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研制了一种弛豫铁电单晶(PMNT)二维矢量水听器,矢量通道和声压通道分别由两个正交压电单晶复合弯曲梁振子和PZT-5压电陶瓷圆管组成。基于弹性力学理论和水下质点振速测量原理对弯曲梁矢量水听器进行建模,推导给出了接收电压灵敏度表达式,分析了弯曲梁应力分布对矢量水听器接收性能的影响以及PMNT压电单晶材料与弯曲梁结构的匹配问题。在理论分析的基础上,研制了PMNT压电单晶和PZT、-5压电陶瓷矢量水听器样品并进行测试。测试结果表明:压电单晶矢量水听器与压电陶瓷矢量水听器相比,接收电压灵敏度提高11 dB,自噪声降低3 dB,测试结果与理论结果相符。 A relaxation vector ferroelectric single crystal (PMNT) vector hydrophone is developed. The vector channel and the sound pressure channel are respectively composed of two orthogonal piezoelectric single crystal composite bending beam oscillator and PZT-5 piezoelectric ceramic tube . Based on the theory of elastic mechanics and underwater particle velocity measurement, the bending vector hydrophone is modeled, and the expression of the receiving voltage sensitivity is deduced. The influence of stress distribution on the receiving performance of the vector hydrophone is analyzed and the effects of PMNT Matching Problems between Piezoelectric Single Crystal Materials and Bending Beam Structures. On the basis of theoretical analysis, the samples of PMNT piezoelectric single crystals and PZT-5 piezoelectric ceramic vector hydrophone were developed and tested. The test results show that the piezoelectric single-crystal hydrophone improves the receiving voltage sensitivity by 11 dB and the self-noise by 3 dB compared with the piezoelectric ceramic hydrophone. The test results are consistent with the theoretical results.
上海材料研究所电话总机即日起由原来的 (0 2 1) 6 542 0 775改为 (0 2 1) 6 5556 775,理化检验分会秘书处分机为 2 51,《理化检验 物理分册》编辑部分机为 36 1;理化检验分
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