立足率先 加快发展

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党的十六大确定了全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的宏伟目标。这是党中央立足新世纪新阶段所面临的新形势,着眼实现现代化建设第三步战略目标作出的重大决策。是中国特色社会主义经济、政治、文化全面发展的内在要求,既符合我国国情和现代化建设的实际,更代表了全国各族人民的共同愿望。作为吉林省省会,长春有责任、有义务、有能力率先在全省实现全面建设小康社会的目标。今后一个时期,我们将紧紧围绕省委八届二次全会建设“工业省”、“科教省”、“生态省”以及全面建设小康社会基本思路的要求,进一步解放思想,与时俱进,立足率先,加快发展为此,要努力做到“六个必须”: The 16th CPC National Congress set the grand goal of building an overall well-to-do society and accelerating the socialist modernization. This is a major policy decision the CPC Central Committee takes based on the new situation confronted by the new phase of the new century and the third phase of the strategic goal of modernization. Is an inherent requirement of the all-round economic, political and cultural development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It not only meets the actual conditions of our country and the modernization drive, but also represents the common aspirations of the people of all ethnic groups across the country. As the capital of Jilin Province, Changchun has the responsibility, the obligation, and the ability to take the lead in achieving the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in the entire province. In the coming period, we will further emancipate the mind and keep pace with the times with a focus on the requirements of the Second Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Eighth Provincial Committee in building the “Industrial Provinces,” “Science and Education Provinces,” “Ecological Provinces” and the basic idea of ​​building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects. To take the lead and speed up development To do this, we must strive to achieve the “six musts”
N_2分子的电子结构可简单地写为:N≡N:即两个 N 原子之间有一个σ键,二个π键。同时,每个 N原子还有一对“孤对电子”。乙炔分子的电子结构可简单地写为:H—C≡C—H即两个 C
从影响预应力钢筋混凝土性能的材料、张拉工艺等因素进行分析,提出提高预应力混凝土性能的建议。 From the factors that affect the performance of prestressed reinforce
近年来 ,我国企业财务会计报告虚假 ,会计信息失真现象十分严重 ,一些单位账外设账 ,假造信息 ,严重干扰了正常的社会经济秩序 ,损害了国家和社会公众利益。为解决这一问题 ,