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医疗档案管理是医疗机构管理和国家信息资源管理的重要组成部分。随着社会的不断发展,医疗档案重要性的日益增强,医疗档案管理也越来越受到社会各界重视。目前我国的市(地)级医疗档案管理存在理论和实践方面的诸多问题,已经对社会发展和医疗卫生事业的发展产生了负面影响。如何解决社会需求增长和医疗档案管理落后之间的矛盾,如何实现医疗档案的科学管理,是目前医疗界和社会各界共同面对的问题。 Medical records management is an important part of the management of medical institutions and the management of national information resources. With the continuous development of society and the increasing importance of medical files, the management of medical records has been paid more and more attention by all walks of life. At present, there are many problems in theory and practice in the management of medical archives at city (prefecture) level in our country, which have had a negative impact on the social development and the development of medical and health undertakings. How to solve the contradiction between the growth of social needs and the backward management of medical records and how to achieve the scientific management of medical records are the common problems facing the medical community and various sectors of the society.
编辑同志: 科学地贮藏、保管好种子,是夺取来年农业生产丰收的重要环节。由于大部分种子都要经过漫长冬天的贮藏保管,而农场职工又缺乏种子贮藏知识,严重影响种子的发芽率,
近两年,我们从东北农学院和黑龙江省农业科学院引入5个早熟、高产小麦品种和品系,进行了小麦与白菜复种实验,获得了较高的麦莱产量和经济效益。一、产量结果和经济效益 1.实
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研究了一种快速测定土壤有机磷的方法,(土样用0.3MNaOH 液浸提后用超声波处理3分钟),并与原有的灰化法与浸提法进行比较。结果表明,快速法测得的结果与测定步骤冗长的浸提法