“Guangxu Qimen County Baojia Book” relatively complete presentation of a community in the late Qing Baojia compilation of real. In the late Qing Dynasty, the implementation of Baojiao in Qimen County was based on the replacement of the Baojia system by the Tujia system. The figure is based on natural settlements and covers specific village communities. Within a map, the distinction between different attributes of the household registration flexibility in the preparation of cards. In the Tujia system, the figure Dong, a long, many licensed by the industry, training, Mongolia, traders. In the village of Qimen County in Late Qing Dynasty covered by “Baojia Book”, public practice is still beyond the scope of traditional farming and industry and commerce. His Holiness Zheng mainly engaged in trade, handcraft, driving the boat and other industrial and commercial sectors, when Huizhou still have a large number of businessmen, and the trading house donation prison prevails. Diaspora servants surname and send their own local farmers for the production of forest bearer, Baojia set up and management by the Han Zheng control and control. Han and servant surname, the affiliation between the mail is still ingrained.