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Perspectivalism has been widely interpreted as the doctrine that the truth-value of any proposition is decided by a relevant observer, and there is no truth beyond one’s perspective. Perspectivalism so construed has been quite prosperous in contemporary Western philosophy. According to Searle’s understanding, Heidegger is another perspectivalist in the sense that his phenomenological methodology does exclude the validity of the physical reality from the Dasein’s perspective. However, this is exactly the point where Searle cannot agree with Heidegger, because Heidegger’s perspectivalist framework will inevitably frustrate any attempt to formulate the basic concern of Anglo-American philosophy of mind, viz. How to combine the perspective of a particular person inside the world with an objective or scientific view of that same world? Perspectivalism has been broad interpreted as the doctrine that the truth-value of any proposition is decided by a relevant observer, and there is no truth beyond one’s perspective. Perspectivalism so construed has been quite prosperous in contemporary Western philosophy. According to Searle’s understanding, Heidegger is another perspectivalist in the sense that his phenomenological methodology does the validity of the physical reality from the Dasein’s perspective. However, this is exactly the point where Searle can not agree with Heidegger, because Heidegger’s perspectivalist framework will inevitably frustrate any attempt to formulate the basic concern of Anglo-American philosophy of mind, viz. How to combine the perspective of a particular person inside the world with an objective or scientific view of that same world?
日前,笔者走进长白县马鹿沟镇太阳村薛传军家的小院,浓浓的丰收气息扑面而来。提起马铃薯,薛传军激动地告诉我们:“今年土豆大丰收,卖了四万多元钱,多亏了马铃薯合作社。”   原来马鹿沟镇太阳村地处海拔1270米的山岗上,适合种植马铃薯,为此他们成立了长白县马鹿沟镇太阳村光源马铃薯专业合作社。去年该村光源马铃薯专业合作社投资200多万元建起了标准化淀粉厂,年可加工马铃薯500多万公斤。为鼓励村民发展马
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