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钢套箱属于围堰的一种,通常适用于浅滩地带,水流速较小且地质情况比较适于钢套箱下沉的情况,其主要作用是与封底混凝土配合进行阻水,为上部施工提供一个干燥的环境,便于上部在无水的环境中施工。本文作者结合多年的现场实践经验就钢套箱的施工及质量控制进行叙述,希望能与同行相互交流,不断进步。 The steel box is a type of cofferdam and is generally suitable for shallow areas. The water flow rate is relatively small and the geological conditions are more suitable for the sinking of the steel box. Its main function is to cooperate with the concrete at the back cover to block water and provide the upper construction with A dry environment facilitates construction of the upper part in an anhydrous environment. The author of this article combines many years of on-site practical experience to describe the construction and quality control of the steel box, hoping to interact with peers and make continuous progress.
近年来,国内对口腔癌的治疗工作已逐渐开展。在治疗原发灶的方法上亦曾有文献讨论,但对颈淋巴结转移的处理问题的报导尚不多见。口腔癌的颈淋巴结转移率很高,据 Pack 收集的
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你是不是在缤纷多彩的染发产品中挑花了眼?你正在为选择一款适合自己的头发颜色而迷茫?不妨做做下面这个小测试,或许能帮助你找到正确发色的方向哦! You are not in the col
粉红童话 VS 紫红色星光主色调可爱粉心情故事到今天,我们已经认识一周年啦!亲爱的猪头,感谢你一直包容我的孩子气、坏脾气和小心眼。我愿变成童话里你爱的那个天使,张开翅
尽管放射学、扫描及酶化学在诊断癌有所进展,但对胰腺癌的诊断效果,还不够满意。在康涅克狄州胰腺癌发病数占消化 Although radiology, scanning, and enzymatic chemistry
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