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我国基层自治所取得的辉煌成就是毋庸置疑的。但在个别地方城乡基层自治最突出的问题是“民主”与“腐败”。选拔基层管理者时民主程度不高,势必让庸才主政,或者有才无德者掌权。既会造成基层发展迟缓、甚至倒退,也将造成人才危机,继任者乏人的衔接危机;干部侵占群众利益,基层矛盾淤积,干群关系紧张等危机。而重选轻管,势必演进为强权治理,监管缺失,势必腐败丛生。城乡基层自治是一项庞大的系统性工作,环环相扣,稍有松动则危机重重。 The brilliant achievements made by our grassroots self-government are beyond doubt. However, the most prominent problems of grassroots self-government in urban and rural areas in some places are “democracy” and “corruption.” When the grass-roots managers are selected, the degree of democracy is not high, so it is bound to let the mediocre people take the ruling position or the talented and non-qualified people take power. This will not only result in the grass-roots slow development, or even retrogression, but will also create a crisis of talent crisis, the lack of convergence successors, cadres’ encroachment of the people’s interests, grass-roots conflicts and silos and tensions between cadres and the masses. The re-election light tube, is bound to evolve into power governance, lack of supervision, is bound to corrupt clusters. Grassroots self-government in urban and rural areas is a huge systematic work that is closely linked with each other and a little loosened.
1.高血压。咖啡中含有咖啡因,它能使部分敏感患者血压升高。 2.肾衰竭。肾衰竭患者若有高血钾现象,需配合限钾饮食,咖啡含钾量高。 3.消化性溃疡。咖啡因刺激胃酸分泌,并使消化系统平滑
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AIM: To perform a systematic review of reported neonatal and pregnancy outcomes of Indigenous Australians with diabetes in pregnancy(DIP).METHODS: Electronic se
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1995年6月至1998年1月,海口市在献血员中检出7例艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者,现将有关情况报告如下。1 检出经过及流行病学调查 From June 1995 to January 1998, Haikou City, b