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国际上一些著名的人力资源专家预测,2004年国际四大热门职业需求依次是销售类、理财师类、医疗保健类和国际商务类。销售职业:仅“能言善辩”不行了某招聘网主要负责人认为,在最近几年的职位行业需求中,销售类非常热。在高级人才招聘频道上,销售类一直稳居第一位,是一般职位的三四倍。比第二位超出一倍多低端销售人才的需求要更大一些,而且好的销售人才在任阿一个行业都非常抢手。销售职位的供需两旺现象一直是职场的一道风景线,市场营销类职业总是招聘的热门。从2003年的统计情况看一直列在招聘的前三位之内。占所有招聘职业类别的百分比在10%—15%之间相对于其他职业遥遥领先。虽然销售类招聘比例居高不下,但企业对销售人员的要求也水涨船高,往日的“能言善辩”已经远远不能满 Some well-known international human resources experts predict that in 2004 the top four hot jobs in the world are sales category, financial management division, health care category and international business category. Sales career: only “can be eloquent” to die A recruitment network main person in charge that, in recent years, job demand in the industry, the sales category is very hot. In the senior talent recruitment channel, the sales category has been ranked first, is three to four times the general position. More than double the demand for low-end sales personnel to be larger, and good sales staff in any industry are very much sought-after. The pros and cons of supply and demand in sales positions has always been a landscape in the workplace, and marketing is always a hot job. According to the statistics of 2003, it has been listed in the top three of recruitment. The percentage of all job occupations is between 10% and 15% ahead of other occupations. Although the proportion of sales hiring high, but the business requirements of the sales staff have gone up, the past, “Eloquent” is far from full
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个案介绍: 陈楠(男,22岁,会计学专业,本科,2003年毕业生):我是建筑学院会计学专业的本科生。高考填报的是法律专业,结果被调配为会计学。 Case Presentation: Nan (22, mal
抗菌素620对麦类赤霉病菌具有较强的抑制作用。我们于1976~1977年分别进行了小区药效试验和多点试验,现将试验结果简报如下: 1.试验经过 1976年,在我所试验田的冬播和春播小
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