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镇江市减速机厂,是一个只有400余名职工的乡镇集体企业。却在几年中,排除了“推、怕、难、怨”等各种思想的干扰,先后接收安置了21名刑释、解教人员,主动为社会稳定挑起了担子。由于管理到位,帮教得法,21名回归人员无一重新犯罪,有的还担任了生产科长、车间主任、班组长等职务,成为厂里的生产骨干。就业安置不易,在社会劳动力供大于求的状况下,还坚持安置这么多刑释解教人员就更加不易,没有为国分忧的思想境界和胸襟,没有扎实到位的管理力度都是很难做到的。几年 Zhenjiang reducer plant, is a only more than 400 workers in the township collective enterprises. In a few years, however, the interference of various kinds of thoughts such as “pushing, fear, difficulty and resentment” was ruled out. It has successively received and placed 21 criminal offenders and exterminationists and took the initiative to stir up the burden for social stability. Since management was in place and helped teach and practice, 21 of the returnees did not commit the crime again. Some of them also took the posts of chief of production, workshop director and team leader, and became the production backbone of the factory. Employment placement is not easy, under the condition that social labor supply exceeds demand, it is even more difficult to insist on settling so many criminal offenders, that there is no ideological boundary and mindlessness to share the country, and that management without a solid foundation is difficult to achieve of. several years
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