汉字作为中华民族传统文化的瑰宝,有着深远而悠久的历史。在我国书法艺术史上,有一串不朽的名字,从古代的王羲之、王献之、欧阳询、颜真卿、柳公权、赵孟頫到现代的毛泽东等等,真可谓江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。 纵观古今书法史,特别是近现代和当代书法史,我们不难发现,书法与教育有着特殊的关系。大凡有建树的书法家,多出自教育界。既然书法和教育有着这样密切的关系,那么,置身教育界的书法家对中小学的书法教育进行过哪些思考呢?带着这一问题,记者走访了省教育厅巡视员、著名书法家屈应超先生。
As a treasure of Chinese traditional culture, Chinese characters have a profound and long history. In the history of Chinese calligraphy art, there are a series of immortal names. From the ancient Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan, Zhao Mengfu to modern Mao Zedong and so on, it can be said that Jiangshan generation of talented people came out, leading the way for hundreds of years. Looking at the history of ancient and modern calligraphy, especially the history of modern and contemporary calligraphy, we can easily find that calligraphy and education have a special relationship. Most of the calligraphers who have made achievements are from the education sector. Since calligraphy and education have such a close relationship, what kind of thinking did the calligraphers in education have thought about the calligraphy education in primary and secondary schools? With this question, the reporter visited Mr. Qu Yingchao, an inspector of the provincial education department and a famous calligrapher. .