Heat Flux Through Slag Film and Its Crystallization Behavior

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Kinee
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An experimental apparatus for simulating copper mold is used to quantify the heat flux through the slag film and to obtain a solid slag for further determining its crystallization behavior.The result indicates that both the chemical composition of the mold powder and the cooling rate have an important influence on the heat flux through the slag film. With increasing the binary basicity, the heat flux of slag film decreases at first, reaches the minimum at the basicity of 1.4, and then increases, indicating that the maximum binary basicity is about 1.4 for selecting“mild cooling”mold powder. The heat transfer through the slag film can be specified in terms of the crystalline ratio and the thickness of the slag film. Recrystallization of the solid slag occurs and must be considered as an important factor that may influence the heat transfer through the solid slag layer. An experimental apparatus for simulating copper mold is used to quantify the heat flux through the slag film and to obtain a solid slag for further determining its crystallization behavior. The result indicates that both the chemical composition of the mold powder and the cooling rate have an important influence on the heat flux through the slag film. With increasing the binary basicity, the heat flux of slag film decreases at first, reaches the minimum at the basicity of 1.4, and then increases, indicating that the maximum binary basicity is about 1.4 for selecting “heat cooling through” the slag film can be specified in terms of the crystalline ratio and the thickness of the slag film. Recrystallization of the solid slag occurs and must be considered as an important factor that may influence the heat transfer through the solid slag layer.
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目的 探讨隧道式乙状结肠腹膜外平坦造口术在Miles术中的应用效果.方法对36例肛管直肠癌患者施行Miles术中采用隧道式乙状结肠腹膜外平坦型造口术,观察造口并发症和排便功能情况.结果36例患者经3个月至5年的随访,除有1例(2.78%)出现造口周围皮肤炎外,无其他并发症.30例(83.39%)患者获排便感.结论腹膜外隧道式乙状结肠平坦造口术具有并发症少,排便功能恢复好,隐蔽性好,外形美观等优点,
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