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目的 探讨术前应用前列腺素E1(PGE1)对室间隔缺损并肺高压婴儿 ,增强心功能 ,降低肺动脉及肺小动脉阻力 ,提高手术耐受性的意义。方法 本组 18例 ,男 13例 ,女 5例。年龄 5个月~ 6岁平均 (2 9.6 7± 2 3.14 )个月。术前经右心导管测量右房、肺动脉、肺小动脉压力及相应部位的血氧含量 ,依Fick’s公式分别计算出体循环、肺循环血流量及分流量 ,肺小动脉阻力、肺总阻力。选取Pp/Ps>0 .4 5者为研究对象。术前给予静滴PGE114d ,观察患儿用药后气急、肺部叮罗音的改变。对比根治手术中所测量肺动脉及肺小动脉压力 ,再次计算出上述各项数据。结果 用药后肺动脉压、肺小动脉压、Pp/Ps、全肺阻力、肺小动脉阻力等均有明显下降 ;在心内分流量及体循环压力基本不变情况下 ,左、右心排量明显增加。全组病例术后均治愈。随访 2年患儿生长发育良好。结论 PGE1是一种强有力的血管扩张剂 ,能直接扩张肺动脉 ,降低肺动脉、肺小动脉压力和肺循环阻力 ,提高左右心输出量 ,改善心功能。术前用药可改善患儿心肺功能 ,增加对体外循环及手术的耐受性 ,渡过术后肺动脉高压危险期及提高治愈率 Objective To investigate the significance of preoperative application of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) in infants with ventricular septal defect and pulmonary hypertension to enhance cardiac function, reduce the resistance of pulmonary arteries and pulmonary arterioles, and improve the surgical tolerance. Methods 18 cases in this group, 13 males and 5 females. The average age ranged from 5 months to 6 years (2 9.67 ± 2. 3.14) months. The right atrium, pulmonary artery, pulmonary arteriole pressure and the corresponding part of the oxygen content were measured preoperatively through the right heart catheterization. According to Fick’s formula, the systemic circulation, pulmonary circulation blood flow and shunt volume, pulmonary arteriole resistance and total pulmonary resistance were calculated. Select Pp / Ps> 0.45 for the study. Preoperative intravenous infusion of PGE114d, observed after treatment of children with shortness of breath, lungs jingle tone changes. Comparing the measured pulmonary artery and pulmonary arterial pressure in radical surgery, again calculated the above data. Results The pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary arterial pressure, Pp / Ps, total pulmonary resistance and pulmonary arteriole resistance were all significantly decreased after treatment. Left ventricular and left ventricular cardiac output were significantly increased under the condition that the intracardiac shunt volume and systemic pressure were basically unchanged . All patients were cured after surgery. 2 years follow-up of children with good growth. Conclusions PGE1 is a potent vasodilator that directly dilates pulmonary arteries and decreases pulmonary artery, pulmonary arteriole pressure and pulmonary circulation resistance, improves left and right cardiac output, and improves cardiac function. Preoperative medication can improve children’s cardiopulmonary function, increase tolerance to cardiopulmonary bypass and surgery, postoperative risk of pulmonary hypertension and improve the cure rate
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