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“一切妨碍文化发展的思想观念都要坚决冲破,一切束缚文化发展的做法与规定都要坚决改变,一切影响文化发展的体制弊端都要坚决革除。”提出这个充满创新意味的中国文化改革思路的不是专家学者,也不是骚人墨客,而是中共中央政治局常委李长春。最近,在党内分管文化等方面工作的李长春在各地视察中多次提到这“三个坚决”。从这一信息中人们不难感觉到,中国的文化事业和文化产业将进一步摆脱陈旧观念和落后体制的束缚,迎来一个空前大发展的时期。文化将更加和大众需求贴近,和消费贴近,和产业贴近。文化的开放,也为传统产业提供了更多的商业机会和腾挪空间。有眼光的经营者们将更大踏步地向文化靠拢,大打“文化牌”,靠文化提升产品品位和企业竞争力,挖掘更多的价值内涵。我们相信,这决不单是简单的“作秀”,而是代表了一种产业发展的方向,它体现出的是在物质繁荣和过剩的时代,消费者对精神内涵的更多追求。在本期经济版块的《纵深观察》栏目中,我们推出了一组反映文化和产业相互融合的文章。《文化,给消费和产业加点糖》透视了近年来传统产业嫁接文化的现象,着力分析文化在消费和生产经营中的“神奇妙用”;《论坛经济红杏出墙》评介在我国方兴未艾的论坛经济新现象《围棋市场的食物链》则以时兴的价值链理论,“煞有介事”地解剖围棋的市场化问题,也算一种别样的视角。希望对读者有所裨益。中 “All ideas and ideas that hinder the development of the culture must be resolutely broken through and all the practices and regulations that bind the development of the culture must be resolutely changed and all the institutional defects that affect the development of the culture must be resolutely erased.” Proposing this idea of ​​a Chinese cultural reform full of innovation Not an expert or a singer, but Li Changchun, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Recently, Li Changchun, who has been working in the areas of party culture and other aspects, repeatedly mentioned these “three resolutenesses” in various inspections. From this message, people can easily feel that China's cultural undertakings and cultural industries will further get rid of the shackles of old ideas and backward systems and usher in an unprecedented period of great development. Culture will be closer to the needs of the public, and consumption close, and industry close. The opening up of culture also provides more business opportunities and space for traditional industries. Visionary operators will step closer to the culture, playing “cultural card”, rely on culture to enhance product quality and competitiveness of enterprises, tap more value content. We believe this is by no means a simple “show” but represents a direction for industrial development. It shows that in the era of material prosperity and surplus, consumers are pursuing more spiritual connotations. In the section entitled “Underlying Observation” in this issue of the economy, we have introduced a series of articles that reflect the integration of culture and industry. “Culture, add some sugar to the consumer and industry” Perspective of the phenomenon of grafting culture of traditional industries in recent years, focus on the analysis of culture in the consumption and production and operation of the “magical effect”; “Forum Economic Prosperity” Review in our country's ascendant forum The new economic phenomenon “Go market food chain” Zeyi fashionable value chain theory, “solemnly” to dissect Go market-oriented, can be considered a different kind of perspective. Hope to benefit the reader. in
今年接手三年级一班。在刚开学的首次班会上,我带着满脸笑容,迫不及待地走进教室,与学生进行起轻松愉快的对话。不知情的人看着我们对话情景,也许会说:这不像开班会,倒像是师生在一起随意闲谈。  苏霍姆林斯基非常重视对学生要隐蔽自己的教育意图。他提醒我们:“大家知道,任何一种教育现象,孩子在其中越少感觉到教育者的意图,它的教育效果就越大。”这次班会貌似随意,其实隐蔽着明确的教育意图。  一、说表扬——鼓励