抓住雄安新机遇 打造冀中产城发展新高地

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与河北其他地区相比,冀中地理位置居中,交通便捷通畅;资源丰富多样,环境承载力较强;开发程度较低,发展空间充裕,具备打造产城发展新高地的诸多有利条件。由于自身财力不足,产业结构偏重,产业层次偏低,经济外向度低,创新能力不高,水资源紧张,生态建设不容易等问题,目前仍为京津冀协同发展的短板。雄安新区建设给冀中带来产业承接、投资集聚、改革创新、协同开放、绿色发展等巨大发展机遇。河北省和冀中各市县,要解放思想,抓住机遇,以京津冀协同发展为中心,搞好产城新高地建设的顶层设计,构建多层次分工、多中心紧密合作的产城发展新局格;在廊坊、保定、沧州等地,设立各具特色的雄安创新范式推广实验基地,放大雄安新区创新发展红利,将冀中建成中国北方产城发展的新引擎。 Compared with other parts of Hebei, Jizhong is located in the middle with convenient and smooth traffic; resources are rich and diverse, and the environment carrying capacity is strong; the development level is relatively low and there is plenty of room for development and many favorable conditions for building a new highland in the industrial city. Due to its lack of financial resources, industrial structure is too heavy, low level of industry, low level of economic orientation, innovation ability is not high, water stress, ecological construction is not easy and so on, is still Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development of the short board. The construction of the Xiong’an New Area brings tremendous development opportunities to Jizhong such as industrial undertaking, investment agglomeration, reform and innovation, concerted opening up and green development. Hebei Province and cities and counties in Jizhong should emancipate their minds and seize the opportunity to take the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei as the center, do well in the top-level design of new highland construction in the city and build a new industrial development in the urban area with multi-level division of labor and multi-centers In Langfang, Baoding, Cangzhou and other places, the establishment of a unique experimental model of the promotion of innovation pilot base to enlarge the bonus of innovation and development in the district, Jizhong will build a new engine for the development of the city in northern China.
肩周炎(arthritis of peri-shoulder)也称粘连性肩关节囊炎、漏肩风、凝肩,因多发生于50岁左右的中年人,又有“五十肩”之称.肩周炎不是独立的疾病,而是由肩关节周围肌肉、肌腱
案情简介▲▲▲$$ 2013年7月的一天,李某从某银行ATM存取款一体机上取钱时,发现里面有张假币。李某推测该ATM机的验钞功能可能存在问题。于是李某借用别人身份证办理了一张