多方筹措资金 努力搞好农村卫生“三项建设”工作

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贵州是一个经济基础薄弱、财政贫困的省份。40多年来,党和政府为了保障农民健康,制定了一系列方针政策、投入了很大的人力、财力、物力资源。农村卫生工作取得了可喜的成绩。对于保护农业劳动力,提高农民健康水平,促进农村经济发展作出了应有的贡献。 但是,目前仍有很多问题,困扰农村卫生服务工作:一是基本设施条件差,卫生机构房屋简陋,全省乡镇卫生院危房面积高达318069平方米(占全省卫生机构危房总面积的60.28%),县级卫生防疫站危房面积有22923平方米(占全省 Guizhou is a province with a weak economic foundation and fiscal poverty. For more than 40 years, the party and government have formulated a series of guidelines and policies and invested a lot of human, financial, and material resources in order to protect the health of farmers. Rural health work has made gratifying achievements. It has made due contributions to protecting the agricultural labor force, improving farmers’ health level, and promoting rural economic development. However, there are still many problems that have plagued rural health services: First, the basic facilities are poor, the housing facilities of health agencies are poor, and the area of ​​township health centers in the province is as high as 318,069 square meters (accounting for 60.28% of the total area of ​​dangerous houses in the province’s health institutions). There are 22,923 square meters of dangerous buildings at county-level health and epidemic prevention stations (accounting for the entire province
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目的 研究遗传型与非遗传型智残患者的趾跖嵴纹是否存在差异。方法 采用油墨印迹法、透明胶带法 ,结合肉眼直观并纪录等方法对 10 0例智残患者的趾、跖纹进行收集、观察和
我国史学界对 5至 1 3世纪的中古西欧政治史鲜有探讨 ,迄今只见少数论文涉及。孟广林先生的新著《英国封建王权论稿》一书 ,最近由人民出版社出版。这是我国学者在这一领域中
一、建立完善的内部制约制度 所谓内部制约制度,就是要建立起单位领导、各部门科室和有关经手钱物的人员在财务活动中的既相互联系又相互制约的关系,以此来防止和避免错误和