激光光谱分析仪Burleigh公司的新SA ̄(plus ̄(TM))激光光谱分析仪以从来未有过的方便和通用性提供最高性能的光谱鉴定。由于它有250种方法和可用于250nm和5μm之间的反射镜,因而是测量激光线宽、模式结构和漂移的最佳手段。与Burlei...
Laser Spectrum Analyzers Burleigh’s new SA ™ (plus) (TM) laser spectrometers provide the highest performance spectroscopy with unprecedented ease and versatility. Because it has 250 methods and can be used for the mirror between 250nm and 5μm, it is the best way to measure laser linewidth, mode structure and drift. With Burlei ...