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截至2011年年底,在A股市场上共有176家大农业类上市公司。依证监会行业分类标准,这176家大农业上市公司分布在农林牧渔、食品等15个行业板块。其中,105家分布在主板市场,55家在中小板市场,16家在创业板市场。就整体来看,大农业板块盈利水平较强,发展空间巨大;市盈率整体较高(平均市盈率14.03),受到资金的追棒。若从经营成果和股东回报两个角度来看大农业各细分行业的盈利能力,我们发现:加工深度越深,产品附加值越大,盈利能力越强;品牌影响力越大,知名度越高,盈利能力越突出;行业周期是影响盈利能力的重要因素;行业竞争度对盈利能力也产生重要影响。 As of the end of 2011, there were 176 major agriculture listed companies in the A-share market. According to the SFC industry classification standards, these 176 large-scale agricultural listed companies are distributed in 15 sectors including agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and food. Among them, 105 are distributed in the motherboard market, 55 in the small and medium-sized board market, 16 in the GEM market. As a whole, the profitability of the large agricultural sector is strong and the space for development is huge. The price-earnings ratio as a whole is high (average PE of 14.03) and is chased by funds. If we look at the profitability of each segment of the agricultural sector in terms of operating results and shareholder returns, we find that the deeper the processing level is, the greater the added value of the products is, and the stronger the profitability is. The greater the influence of the brand is, the higher the visibility is , The more prominent profitability; industry cycle is an important factor affecting profitability; industry competitiveness also has a significant impact on profitability.
在采煤工作面爆破作业过程中 ,联线和检查放炮线路崩人是最常见、最严重的事故。为了从根本上解决这一普遍难题 ,根据生产情况 ,认真分析了事故原因 ,科学合理地对放炮器做了
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