苹果苦痘病是由于缺钙引起的一种营养生理病害,近几年有加重的趋势,因此,加强对这一病害的综合防治很有必要。 一、症 状 苹果苦痘病一般先由果皮下浅层果肉开始发病,肉质变浅褐色,果面出现稍凹陷、色较暗的病斑。病变渐向深层果肉发展,肉质坏死、干,深及果肉内数毫米至1厘米,呈蜂窝状,味
Apple bitter pox disease is due to calcium deficiency caused by a nutritional and physiological diseases, in recent years there is a trend of aggravating, therefore, to strengthen the comprehensive prevention and treatment of this disease is necessary. First, the symptoms of apple bitter pox disease generally first by the skin under the skin of the skin to begin the incidence of flesh light brown, slightly concave fruit surface, darker lesions. Lesions gradually deep into the development of pulp, meat necrosis, dry, deep and flesh within a few millimeters to 1 cm, was honeycomb, taste