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国际领导力是国际行为主体间的引领性影响力,具有源于实力又高于实力的相对独立性,是由社会主体发展不平衡所导致的社会历史现象。它具有主体间性、博弈性、引领性、建构性、过程性特征,涉及政治、经济、文化、制度等要素及其结构。马克思主义注重领导力的先进性、深刻性、整体性、博弈性和价值观特征。国际领导模式包括组织内和组织外两种,先进性是基础,树立典范是根本,处理利益关系是抓手,根据矛盾区别对待是重点,调动一切积极因素是导向,组织平台是载体。中国国际领导力是随着民族复兴,按照独立—融入—引领的逻辑形成发展的,其核心是中国道路的领导力,目前需应对生产方式升级、守成大国遏制、国际话语权和规则制定权不足、提供国际公共产品的理论储备和实践经验欠缺等问题。中国国际领导力未来发展需要在构建先进生产方式、创立新型国际交往模式、升级国际统一战(治)线、构建人类命运共同体等八个方面进行建设。 International leadership is the leading influence among international actors and has relative independence from strength and strength. It is a social and historical phenomenon caused by the unbalanced development of social subjects. It has the characteristics of intersubjectivity, game, lead, constructivism and process, and involves the elements of politics, economy, culture and system as well as its structure. Marxism pays attention to the advanced nature, profoundness, integrity, gambling and values ​​of leadership. The international leadership model includes both inside and outside the organization. The advanced nature is the foundation. Establishing the model is the foundation. Handling the interest relations is the starting point. Treating according to the contradictions is the key point. Mobilizing all the positive factors is the guide. The organization platform is the carrier. China’s international leadership develops with the logic of independence and integration as the national rejuvenation takes shape. Its core is the leadership of the Chinese road. At present, it is necessary to deal with the problem of upgrading the mode of production, keeping the power of the major powers under control, setting the voice of the international discourse and rules making , To provide international public goods theoretical reserves and lack of practical experience and other issues. The future development of China’s international leadership needs to be built in eight aspects: building advanced production methods, establishing a new type of international exchange, upgrading the line of international united front and building a community of human destiny.
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