
来源 :医学理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wgsgdy
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国内外均承认液氮冷冻血管瘤效果显著。但在血管瘤分类治疗中,海绵状血管瘤疗效较差,治愈率为78.78%。并且由于冷冻的深度掌握不当,引起瘢痕等不良反应。1978年有人取活检,提出:冻块的深度相当于表面所见冻块的半径。对此,我们从1989年开始、用A超探查和冷冻治疗皮肤海绵状血管瘤50例,结果如下: Both domestic and foreign acknowledged the significant effect of liquid nitrogen frozen hemangioma. However, in the classification of hemangiomas treatment, cavernous hemangioma less effective cure rate was 78.78%. And due to improper grasp of the depth of freezing, causing scarring and other adverse reactions. In 1978 someone took biopsy, proposed: the depth of the frozen block is equivalent to the surface of frozen block radius. In this regard, we started in 1989, with A ultrasonography and cryotherapy of skin cavernous hemangioma in 50 cases, the results are as follows:
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Aim:The spinal cord is pivotal in immobility induced by volatile anestheticsbecause the anesthetics depress the activity of motor neurons in the spinal cord.Th
Aim:To investigate whether the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics ofrabeprazole are dependent on CYP2C19 genotype status in healthy Chinese Hansubjects.Meth
故乡情结古人云“人到中年万事休” ,“人到中年”似乎是到了一种困顿状态了。可是 ,我面前的这位维吾尔族中年人 ,却似久经训练的骏马 ,强壮而极富经验 ,与我接触的那些维吾
本院从1990年12月首例小儿肾穿刺活体组织检查(肾活检)成功至今已完成10例,结合临床表现,明确了病理诊断,制定了治疗方案,并经随访报告如下。 Our hospital from December