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云封高岫护将军,霆击寒村灭下民。到底不如租界好,打牌声里又新春。这是鲁迅在一九三三年写的一首名叫《二十二年元旦》的诗。里面的“云封高岫”,指的就是庐山。“霆击寒村”呢,比喻的是飞机轰炸。当时,蒋介石坐镇庐山,派出飞机去轰炸。你以为是炸日本鬼子吗?不是。国民党当时是“正由‘不抵抗’以至‘长期抵抗’而人于‘心里抵抗’的时候,实际上是恐怕一时未必和外国打仗”。既是这样,那么炸谁呢? 还是看看当时报纸上的报道吧: 《申报》南昌专电:“日内除飞往匪区轰炸外,无战事,三四两队,七日晨迄申,更番成队飞宜黄以西崇仁以南掷百二十磅炸弹两三百枚……”。宜黄、崇仁都在江西。 Cloud cover high Xiu Hu General, Ting hit the cold village off the people. In the end better than the concession, playing cards in the spring. This is a poem written by Lu Xun in 1933 entitled “New Year’s Day of the Twenty-two Years.” Inside the “cloud sealed high Xiu”, refers to the Lushan. “Ting hit the cold village,” it metaphor is the plane bombing. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek sat Lushan, sent a plane to the bombing. Do you think it was a Japanese devil? At that time, the Kuomintang was “at a time when it was” not resisting “and” long-term resistance “and” psychological resistance “was actually not likely to have fought with foreign countries at one time.” Let’s take a look at what was reported in the newspapers at the time: “Shenbao” Nanchang Electric: “In addition to the bombing of the bandits during the day, no war, no less than three or four teams, the morning of July 7, more Fanfan Into the fleet Yihuang west Chongren throwing one hundred and twenty pounds bomb two hundred three hundred ... ... ”. Yihuang, Chongren are in Jiangxi.