From the determinations of surface heat flow based on silica geothermometry, residual heat flow,radiogenic heat production of rocks, thermal conductivities of rocks and so on, the temperatures at differentdepths of the lithosphere in Fujian Province are estimated by using a one-dimensional steady-state model. Ac-cording to these and the research on geological structures. the possibility of existence of various geothermalsystems in Fujian is discussed. The authors consider that in Fujian, geothermal systems related to shallow magmatism do not exist andhot dry rock systems can not be exploited for the time being. However, intermediate-and low-temperaturehydrothermal systems are well developed. They are controlled by active faults and distributed widely insoutheastern Fujian. but do not have an anomalous heat source. The groundwater circulates at great depthsand has a temperature usually less than 150℃ with less discharge but good quality. It can be used directly as avaluable geothermal water resource but not suitable to be developed as an energy source.
From the determinations of surface heat flow based on silica geothermometry, residual heat flow, radiogenic heat production of rocks, thermal conductivities of rocks and so on, the temperatures at different depths of the lithosphere in Fujian Province are estimated by using a one-dimensional steady- state model. Ac-cording to these and the research on geological structures. the possibility of existence of various geothermalsystems in Fujian is discussed. The authors consider that in Fujian, geothermal systems related to shallow magmatism do not exist andhot dry rock systems can not be However, intermediate-and low-temperaturehydrothermal systems are well developed. They are controlled by active faults and distributed widely insoutheastern Fujian. but do not have an anomalous heat source. The groundwater circulates at great depthsand has a temperature usually less than 150 ℃ with less discharge but good quality. It can be used directly as avaluable geothermal water resource but not suitable to be developed as an energy source.