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职工文化,目前国内学界有两种主要观点。一种认为:职工文化与企业文化是相对的范畴,前者是以产业工人为主体的文化,后者是资本拥有者及企业管理者的文化。另一种观点认为:企业文化与职工文化是相生相存的关系,职工文化是企业文化的一个组成部分。其实,在我国特殊的劳动关系中,职工文化不宜从企业文化中脱离出来。因为企业是一个完整的组织,并非单纯由资本与管理者构成,也不是单纯由生产职工构成,而必须是两者的合一。因此,企业文化也包含了职工文化。企业组织是投资者、经营者、生产劳动者共同组成的一个整体,企业文化也是这三者共同铸就的文化。把资本与管理者和生产者分裂开来研究文化,认为前两者代表企业文化,后者代表职工文化,容易导致对 Staff culture, the current domestic academia has two main points. One thinks: the worker culture and the enterprise culture are the relative categories, the former is a culture based on industrial workers, and the latter is the culture of capital owners and business managers. Another view is that: corporate culture and employee culture are the coexistence of the relationship between the employee culture is an integral part of corporate culture. In fact, in our country’s special labor relations, the staff culture should not be separated from the corporate culture. Because the enterprise is a complete organization, it is not composed of capital and managers, nor is it composed of production workers, but must be a combination of the two. Therefore, corporate culture also includes the staff culture. Business organization is an integral part of investors, managers, and production workers, and the corporate culture is also the culture that these three together create. To split the capital and managers and producers to study culture, that the first two represent the corporate culture, which represents the staff culture, easily lead to
经过长时间的酝酿和筹划 ,2 0 0 2年 9月 ,武汉市初中语文教学指导小组“成长式”读写教学课题研究组开始在全市范围进行大胆的探索和研究。其新理念、新策略给武汉市初中语
语文三家村信手一笔的学问 (毛志成 )人生有书就有赢 (王松泉 )“中国的土豆”和“美国马铃薯”(王希杰 )课文故事孔乙己的三个原型 (徐江涛 )诸葛亮的心事 (金进 )读写新概
语文教学不仅是知识的传授、技能的训练过程 ,更是作者情感、教师的教学情感和学生的学习情感三者沟通融汇的过程 ,只有这三种情感产生强烈的共鸣 ,教学才会产生最佳效果。这
一、阅读下面一首诗 ,完成 1- 2题。读《山海经》陶渊明精卫衔微木 ,将以填沧海。刑天舞干戚 ,猛志固常在。同物既无虑 ,化去不复悔。徒设在昔心 ,良辰讵可待。1.这首诗被鲁
一位年轻的美国间谍被捕了,严刑拷打之下,他清楚地知道他正在为什么而战斗。 A young American spy was arrested and tortured. He clearly knew why he was fighting.
每个人一生下来就会面临着许多事情,自然,我也不例外。我这短短的成长过程,好像用一条导线可以将它串联起来,那不就是电路人生吗?——题记 Everyone will face many things