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高考,永远是一个让人爱恨交加的话题。一方面,人们对高考趋之若鹜,另一方面,人们对高考制度的质疑和批判也从来就没有停止过,痛陈高考制度弊端,呼喊高考改革甚至要求取消高考制度的声音此起彼伏,指责高考制度成为应试教育的指挥捧,影响了学校教育的内容和评价方式,致使学校、教师、学生、家长围着高考转,片面追求升学率,学生一考定终生,负担和压力日益加重,高分低能现象层出不穷等等。诚然,高考在考试内容与形式方面确实存在着一些不合理之处,由此也带来了一些消极影响,但是,笔者认为,弊端的产生,问题并不在于高考制度本身,而是各种社会因素共同作用的结果,这是一个复杂的社会问题,不是简单的一个考试制度问题。所以,简单粗暴地把所有责任都推 The college entrance examination is always a topic that makes people love and hate. On the one hand, people are rushing to the college entrance examination. On the other hand, people’s questioning and criticism of the college entrance examination system has never stopped, stumped the drawbacks of the college entrance examination system, shouted that the college entrance examination reform and even called for the abolition of the college entrance examination system sounds one after another, accusing the college entrance examination system as an exam The command of education has influenced the content and evaluation methods of school education. As a result, schools, teachers, students, and parents have moved around the college entrance examination, unilaterally pursuing higher school entrance rates. As students continue to test for a lifetime, their burdens and pressures are increasing. The phenomenon of high scores and low energy is constantly increasing. and many more. It is true that the college entrance examination does have some irrationalities in the content and form of the exam, and it also brings about some negative effects. However, the author believes that the problem lies not in the college entrance examination system itself but in the various societies. As a result of the combined effects of factors, this is a complex social problem, not a simple one. So, simply and rudely pushing all responsibility
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