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当今世界正处于一个巨大变革时期。它有三个主要标志:即现代文明形成由工业文明向绿色(生态)文明的转变,现代经济形态由物质经济向知识经济的转变,现代经济发展道路由非持续发展向可持续发展的转变。我们称之为现代经济发展的“三重转变”。这是新世纪现代经济发展的必然趋势与时代洪流。当代经济学的任务.就是要立足于可持续发展的高度,重塑体现绿色时代精神.揭示绿色经济现象及其发展规律,构筑绿色经济理论与实践的新经济发展体系,率先形成一种引起现代经济巨大变革的可持续发展经济的创新学说,把经济发展理论的深刻变革推向高潮。《中国绿色经济系列丛书》的推出,应该是这种深刻变革高潮的一种体现形式,她将为可持续发展经济理论的最终形 The world today is in a period of great change. It has three main symbols: the transition from industrial civilization to green (ecological) civilization, the transformation of modern economic form from material economy to knowledge economy, and the transition from unsustainable development to sustainable development of modern economic development. We call it the “triple transformation” of modern economic development. This is the inevitable trend of the development of the modern economy and the torrent of the times in the new century. The task of contemporary economics is to rebuild the spirit of the Green Age based on the height of sustainable development, to reveal the phenomenon of green economy and its laws of development, to build a new economic development system of green economy theory and practice, The innovative theory of sustainable economic development with huge economic changes pushed the profound changes of economic development theory to a climax. The publication of “China’s Green Economy Series” should be a manifestation of the climax of such profound changes. She will provide the final shape of the sustainable economic theory
利用高泉沟流域1988~1995 年8 年31 个观测小区定位观测的63 次产流资料,模拟出了基于GIS( 地理信息系统) 栅格系统的小区降雨—产流综合模型;采用ARC/INFO 系统,建立了研究区栅格DEM( 数字高程模型)、多年平均降
减征进口关税促进对外贸易 自2001年1月1日起,除农产品外,罗马尼亚对从欧盟(EU)、欧洲自由贸易联盟(EFIA)、中东欧自由贸易协定(CEFTA)成员国进口的产品降低80%的关税。从200
我是谁?从哪里来??到哪里去??? 一、来来往往“有饭吃真好!”AD李坐在自己宽大的老板桌后面,不由得发出这样的一声感慨。AD李有足够自豪和感慨的理由,因为他的公司在这样的
印度目前已经在高速发展,而且相对于中国,印度开始做得更好——印度与中国的比较长期以来是不利于印度的。 India is now growing at a rapid pace, and India has begun to