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在高校体育文化的传播中,高校体育社团作为重要的一个载体,主要是对高校体育教学工作的一个课外延伸,将大学生的校园精神生活不断的丰富,不仅使大学生身心健康得以促进,还能将学校体育教学工作不断推动。现阶段高校体育文化建设与高校体育社团进行和谐的互动,并且在各个方面也进行了合作;所以要将体育社团中的宣传力度有效加强,并且将校园体育文化氛围进行很好的营造,使社团的管理体系有效加强,其体育制度建设也能不断完善,以此使校园的 In the dissemination of PE culture in colleges and universities, college sports associations, as an important carrier, are mainly an extra-curricular extension of PE teaching in colleges and universities. The continuous enrichment of college students’ spiritual life can not only promote the physical and mental health of college students, School physical education continues to promote teaching. At this stage, the university sports culture construction has harmonious interaction with the sports associations in colleges and universities, and has also cooperated in all aspects. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively promote the propaganda in the sports associations and make the sports culture of the campus well constructed, Effective management system, and its sports system construction can continue to improve, in order to make the campus
天高云淡,金风送爽。我们 30多人被会议安排去中俄边境考察。境外数日,感触良多。土地怀想 边境列车停靠在俄国小镇格城。报关,边检,过关。马不停蹄,我们向海参崴进发。 海参崴,对
[摘 要] 职业学院美术教育中培养学生审美能力是非常重要的,分析了审美能力培养的重要意义,并提出了职业学院美术鉴赏教学中培养学生审美能力的方法。  [关 键 词] 职业学院;美术鉴赏;审美能力;重要意义  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2017)13-0142-01  职业学院美术鉴赏教学是高等教育重要组成部分之一,是一个新的教育类型。美术教师应当
Objective: The aim of the study was to detect the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and microvessel density (MVD) in breast benign tissues