Psychological Health Education of College Students from the Perspective of Positive Psychology

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  【Abstrac】The purpose of mental health education at university stage is to shape the positive and healthy psychological state of college students and improve their psychological quality. At present, with the rapid development of our country, rapid social rhythm and fierce competition, the current mental health education has no longer adapted to the physical and mental development of college students. From the perspective of positive psychology, this paper briefly discusses the mental health education of college students.
  【Key words】Positive Psychology; College Students?蒺 Mental Health; Colleges and Universities
  【中圖分类号】G64 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2019)31-0249-01
  1.Overview of Positive Psychology
  The so?鄄called positive psychology refers to the use of relatively perfect and scientific experimental methods to study human strength and virtue and other positive directions of psychology. Previous psychological studies tend to pay more attention to the negative psychological activities of human beings. On the contrary, positive psychology mainly focuses on the positive forces of human beings.
  Positive psychology can be roughly divided into three categories: positive emotions and experiences, positive personality, and positive social organization system. The application of psychological health education to college students is of great significance in cultivating their positive personality and guiding their correct values.
  2.Relevant Measures of College Students?蒺 Mental Health Education from the Perspective of Positive Psychology
  2.1Enhancing Positive Emotional Experience and Feeling Success
  Famous American scholars believe that everyone has their own unique advantages, everyone can learn something by using their own strengths, so as to develop their potential to a greater extent, and feel success, enhance the happiness feelings.
  College period is the development stage of students?蒺 rational emotions. Their emotions are not stable, and they often fluctuate greatly. Therefore, in the University stage, in the process of students?蒺 emotional development, if teachers actively create conditions, scope and let students have positive emotional experience, it is of great significance for students to adapt to the environment, improve personality, disposition and so on. In the current mental health education, besides helping and guiding students to express and evaluate their cognitive emotion, teachers should pay more attention to how to improve students?蒺 sense of achievement, how to let students experience success and how to improve their sense of happiness and other positive emotions.   2.2 Shaping Positive Personality
  Positive personality is the basic guarantee for the development of college students?蒺 mental health. Positive personality has a profound impact on all aspects of college students?蒺 life, learning and social practice. Positive personality has many benefits for college students to enter society and integrate into society. Therefore, the current college students?蒺 psychological health education should change the education mode and improve the atmosphere conditions for shaping their positive personality.
  First, let college students feel positive emotional experience activities, which have been mentioned above, and I won’t repeat here. Secondly, developing good self?鄄esteem is one of the effective ways to shape positive personality. Self?鄄esteem includes sense of belonging and sense of control. To cultivate self?鄄esteem, we should start from these two aspects. The sense of belonging is the feeling of being liked and respected by others, while the sense of control is the feeling that individual thoughts and actions affect others. Both of them are different ways of reflecting personal values.
  2.3 Perfecting the Resources of Mental Health Education
  At present, college students?蒺 mental health education is obviously short of educational resources. Firstly, there is a lack of human resources and professional psychologists. Colleges and universities devote insufficiently and lack relevant research mechanisms. Secondly, the education curriculum is imperfect and the content is obsolete. Current curriculum arrangement can not meet the needs of students?蒺 psychological development and can not adapt to the development of the times. In addition to some basic psychological theory courses, colleges and universities should also offer psychological courses which are closely related to college students, such as interpersonal communication, emotional management and employment psychological guidance, so as to lay a good foundation for college students to adapt to society better.
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【摘要】幼儿教育是关乎祖国和社会发展的,所以老师不能在孩子教育这一块有任何的松懈。幼儿园作为孩子生活、学习的第一个场所和集体,不管孩子的家庭教育如何,作为老师都要通过孩子这三年的幼儿园生活,培养孩子一些好的习惯,提高孩子的自理能力, 同时也要帮助孩子树立人生目标。可是由于种种原因,新课标下的幼儿教育虽然也进行了不断的改革,但问题也随之频出,影响幼儿园的教育质量,也为孩子的成长造成了不利的影响。  
【摘要】我国目前正处在创新驱动发展和产业带动区域经济兴旺的重要战略期,创新型人才的培养是实施创新驱动的原动力,而民族地方高校创新型人才培养存在一定的问题,优化课程体系、产学研联合深入开展实践教学、严格学位论文监督管理和充分利用科研平台是培养硕士研究生创新能力的必要途径。  【关键词】区域经济 创新型人才 对策措施  【基金项目】湖南省教育科学“十二五”规划课题阶段性成果【XJK011BGD008】
【摘要】校企合作是民办本科院校应用型人才培养的有效途径。由于民办本科院校特殊的社会职能使其在校企合作人才培养方面面临诸多问题,如校企合作方式粗浅;校企合作相关参与方动力不足;校企合作相关保障机制有待突破。民办高校应积极发挥自身灵活的教育机制,主动适应市场需求,围绕企业需求深化校企合作模式,切实培养企业所需的应用型人才。  【关键词】校企合作 实验室建设 合作模式  【基金项目】教学研究项目:校内校
【摘要】由于近年来中职学校不断实施扩招政策,中职学生素质不断下降,中职学生数学基础差, 学习兴趣淡,学习能力低下,厌学情绪严重,上课玩手机、睡觉,课后不写作业等等,给中专阶段数学课堂教学带来了很大的困难。如何改变中职学生的现状, 激发学生学习数学的兴趣,提高课堂教学效果, 是中职数学教师亟待解决的问题。  【关键词】多媒体 中职数学 兴趣 教学有效性  【中图分类号】G434 【文献标识码】A 【
【摘要】在全面推进素质教育的今天,充分运用陶行知的教育思想具有重要意义。陶行知的“生活教育”和学校教育有着密切的联系,正是生活教育让职业教育的本质回归生活,如何把陶行知的“生活教育”思想运用到计算机教学中来,是我们要思考的一个问题。  【关键词】陶行知 计算机 生活教育思想 学生  【中图分类号】TP3-4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2019)52-0045-01  1
【摘要】伴随着经济与科技的不断发展,中国的教育事业也在不断的发展进步。在新课改的背景下,作为初中教育的核心初中语文教育的作用在不断的被增强。所以为了让时代发展的要求与创新理念不断地被落实,初中语文的教育者也在不断的努力。这篇文章主要讲的是在新课改的背景下,对于现在语文教学思维与教学的方法进行实践的探究,并把创新当中现在语文教学的一大重点。希望可以为创新学生教学的人有所帮助。  【关键词】初中语文
【摘要】职业教育也称之为就业教育,当前市场竞争逐渐激烈,与知识经济背景下,社会及用人单位对于人才的要求逐步增高,职业教育如何满足市场的多元化发展需求,是我们亟待探究的重点问题。所以本文基于此背景下分析探究学前教育专业技能课实践教学中存在的问题,以及具体的教学改革策略。  【关键词】学前教育专业 技能课 实践教学  【中图分类号】G61-4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2019