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相声《专家指导》在今年的春节晚会演出获得了一致的好评。许多业内人士认为,这个作品紧贴现实,时代特点鲜明,人物刻画准确,语言活泼,讽刺风格犀利,剧场效果强烈,是印证近几年相声创作繁荣的代表性作品,可能能够起到一个相声创作走出低谷,呈现新貌,重现辉煌的标志性界碑的作用。这个作品是2011春节晚会的导演组为姜昆等相声演员专门量身定做的一段相声。在确定了题材以后,于去年九月,春节晚会的导演专门组织了方清平和赵福玉两位相声作者开始讨论创作。经过近两个月的努力,先后修改十次。交到相声演员的手里是一个接近于演出水准的稿子,题目为《生活处处有专家》。然后,由姜昆组织演员进行二度创作先后易稿五次,修改数回。最后呈现在舞台上的是第十六稿。曲艺编辑部将第十稿和第十六稿发表,希望相声作者和业余相声爱好者能够看到一段优秀的相声从创作到舞台演出,经历了怎样的一个艰辛的过程,并呼吁更多的相声作者与演员合作,把在实践中捶打作品,让观众检验作为评价检验相声作品的标杆,作为相声创作的一种有效的方式,深入生活,搜集素材,贴近百姓,加强对相声艺术特点的了解和实践,为人民大众创作出更多更好的相声作品,为生活送去更多的欢笑。 Comic “expert guidance” in this year’s Spring Festival Gala show has been unanimously praised. Many people in the industry believe that this piece of work is close to the reality, the characteristics of the times are distinct, the characters are portrayed accurately, the language is lively, the satirical style is sharp and the theater is strong. It is a representative piece of work that confirms the flourishing creation of comic dialogue in recent years and may be able to play a comic dialogue creation Out of the trough, showing a new look, to reproduce the role of a landmark landmark. This work is the director of the 2011 Spring Festival Gala for Jiang Kun and other comic actors specifically tailor-made phase of comic dialogue. In determining the subject, in September last year, the director of the Spring Festival Gala organized a special writer Fang Qingping and Zhao Fuyu comic dialogue began to discuss the creation. After nearly two months of hard work, has revised ten times. The hand that crosses to the crosstalk actor is a manuscript approaching performance level, the title is “There are experts everywhere in life”. Then, by Jiang Kun organization of actors for the second time has been easy to create manuscripts five times, modify a few times. Finally presented on the stage is the sixteenth draft. Quyi editorial department will release the tenth draft and the sixteenth draft, I hope the comic dialogue and amateur comic hobbyist can see a good comic from creation to theatrical performances, has gone through a difficult process, and called for more crosstalk In cooperation with actors, the author thrash works in practice and let the audience test as the benchmark for the evaluation of cross-talk works. As an effective way for cross-talk creation, he deeply lives, collects material and approaches the people and strengthens understanding of the features of the crosstalk art. Practice, create more and better comic works for the general public, and give more laughter to life.
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