发扬大庆精神 搞好二次创业——大庆油田开发建设35周年暨稳产20周年总结表彰大会剪影

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9月20日,3000多名来自大庆油田各条战线的代表在油田体育活动中心隆重举行大庆油田开发建设35周年暨稳产20周年总结表彰大会.江泽民总书记、李鹏总理分别题词致贺.江泽民总书记的题词是:“发扬大庆精神、搞好二次创业.”李鹏总理的题词是:“继续发扬爱国、创业、求实、奉献的大庆精神.”国务院发来了贺电.全国政协副主席洪学智、总公司总经理王涛、黑龙江省省委书记岳岐峰等出席大会并讲了话.总公司党组全体成员、石油战线的老领导.以及黑龙江省委、省政府、省人大、省政协的领导出席了大会.参加总公司第五次科技大会的代表也出席了大会.大庆石油管理局局长王志武向大会作工作报告,并向大庆油田全体职工下达了确保原油5000万吨以上稳产到2000年.并力争把年产5000万吨稳产期延伸到21世纪的进军令.大会表彰了功勋先进集体和功勋先进个 On September 20th, more than 3,000 delegates from various fronts of Daqing Oilfield held a grand meeting for the 35th anniversary of the development and construction of Daqing Oilfield and the 20th anniversary of the stable production at the Oilfield Sports Activity Center. General Secretary Jiang Zemin and Premier Li Peng made inscriptions respectively. Jiang Zemin The inscription of the secretary is: “Promote the spirit of Daqing and do a good job for the second time.” The inscription of Premier Li Peng is: “Continue to carry forward the spirit of patriotism, entrepreneurship, truth-seekingness, and dedication to Daqing.” The State Council sent a telegram of congratulations. The Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Hong Xuezhi, The general manager of the company, Wang Tao, and the party secretary of Heilongjiang Province, Yue Yufeng, attended the conference and spoke. All the members of the company’s party group, the old leader of the oil front, and the leaders of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Government, Provincial People’s Congress, and Provincial CPPCC attended the conference. Representatives of the 5th Science and Technology Conference of the Corporation attended the meeting. Wang Zhiwu, Director of the Daqing Petroleum Administration, gave a work report to the General Assembly and issued an order to all employees of Daqing Oilfield to ensure that the crude oil output was stable to over 50 million tons by the year 2000. The annual output of 50 million tons of stable production period extends to the 21st century’s marching order. The conference commended the advanced group and meritorie
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据Ross Deegan先生(雪佛龙中国公司总经理),中国到本世纪末可能需要高达每年5千万吨的石油进口。已开采油田的任何产量增长都满足不了国家对石油增长的需求。预期不会有较大