
来源 :中国儿童保健杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:renjie1986
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 【目的】 了解影响幼儿语法发育的有关因素 ,为促进幼儿语言发育提供依据。 【方法】 采用现况定量研究方法。用多阶段分层不等比例抽样方法在北京 4个城区抽取样本。用“中文早期语言与沟通发展量表”及个人背景问卷 ,对北京城区 10 5 6名 16~ 3 0个月正常幼儿母亲或日间照顾人进行面对面问卷调查。运用Z评分法对幼儿语法粗分进行标准化 ,再用单因素和多重回归分析方法探讨影响幼儿语法发育的因素。 【结果】 调查地区 16~ 3 0个月龄正常幼儿平均语法表达结构得分由 16个月时的 6分增加到 3 0个月时的 84分 ,占总分的 83 %。单因素分析和多重回归分析结果显示 ,父亲受教育程度、父亲月收入、幼儿性格外向是幼儿语法发育的有利因素 ;幼儿开始说话月龄与幼儿语法发育得分Z评分呈负相关。 【结论】 家庭社会经济状况是影响小儿语法发育的重要因素。保健人员应重视幼儿语言发育 ,教育幼儿父母注意与儿童沟通 ,加强对儿童的早期教育 ,为儿童创造良好的早期语言环境 【Objective】 To understand the factors affecting the development of children’s grammar and to provide the basis for the promotion of children’s language development. 【Method】 Using the current quantitative research methods. Samples were collected in four urban areas in Beijing using multi-stage stratified unequal sampling. Face-to-face questionnaires were conducted on 1056 16 to 30 months old nursery mothers or day care workers in the Beijing urban area using the “Chinese Early Language and Communication Development Scale” and the Personal Background Questionnaire. Using the Z-score method to standardize the crude grammar of children, single factor and multiple regression analysis were used to explore the factors that affect the grammar development of children. [Results] The average grammatical structure score of 16 ~ 30 months old children in the survey area increased from 6 at 16 months to 84 at 30 months, accounting for 83% of the total score. Univariate analysis and multiple regression analysis showed that father’s education level, father’s monthly income, and childlike extroversion were favorable factors for children’s grammatical development. There was a negative correlation between the age at which children started to speak and the Z score of children’s grammar. 【Conclusion】 Family socioeconomic status is an important factor affecting pedagogical development in children. Health workers should pay attention to children’s language development, education, children and parents pay attention to communicate with children, to strengthen early education of children, to create a good early language environment for children
目的·探讨原发性干燥综合征(primary Sjögren's syndrome,pSS)患者唇腺组织中水通道蛋白5(aquaporin 5,AQP5)、血清白细胞介素-21(interleukin-21,IL-21)、β2