
来源 :中国石油和化工经济分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crp123
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作为一种高效清洁的能源,天然气已成为世界各国改善环境和促进经济可持续发展的最佳选择,也是我国改善能源结构、寻找煤炭替代资源的主要途径。从现在起到2020年,世界天然气需求量将以每年2.6%的幅度递增,届时在初级能源消费中所占的比重将由目前的20%上升到约30%;未来15年我国天然气需求将呈爆炸式增长,平均增速将达11%~13%。预计到2010年,天然气在我国能源需求总量中所占比重将从1998年的2.1%增加到6%,到2020年将进一步增至10%,届时天然气需求量估计将分别达到938亿m3和2037亿m3。 As an efficient and clean energy, natural gas has become the best choice for all countries in the world to improve the environment and promote sustainable economic development. It is also the main way for China to improve its energy structure and find alternative resources for coal. From now till 2020, the world’s natural gas demand will increase 2.6% annually, and the proportion of primary energy consumption will increase from the current 20% to about 30%; the demand for natural gas in our country will explode in the next 15 years Growth, the average growth rate will reach 11% to 13%. It is estimated that the proportion of natural gas in China’s total energy demand will increase from 2.1% in 1998 to 6% by 2010 and will further increase to 10% by 2020, when natural gas demand is estimated to reach 93.8 billion m3 and 203.7 billion m3.
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