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一、调查地区的地理位置及工作方法调查地区选在小兴安岭的新青林业局,完达山的穆棱林业局和长白山的松江河林业局。调查林分均属灌木阔叶红松林。调查树种有红松、云杉、臭松、椴树、枫桦和色木。调查内容有心腐率和心腐材积。心腐率是指心腐株数占调查株数的百分比,而心腐材积是指病腐木心腐部分材积。心腐率通过新采伐迹地的伐根调查取得。心腐材积则通过伐区伐倒木调查及贮木场造材获取。在调查中量测了心腐木的心腐长度、心腐直径及胸径。所谓木材心腐是指木材颜色有了明显改变,其材质发生变化的部分。 I. Geographical location and working methods of the surveyed areas The survey area selected Xinqing Forestry Bureau in Xiaoxing’anling, Muling Forestry Bureau in Wandashan and Songjianghe Forestry Bureau in Changbai Mountain. Survey stands are shrubs broad-leaved Korean pine forest. The survey species are Korean pine, spruce, stink pine, lime tree, maple birch and color wood. The contents of the investigation of heart rate and heart rate of corrosion volume. Corruption rate refers to the number of strains of the heart of the survey, the percentage of the number of strains, and the volume of heart rot is the volume of rotten wood heart rot. The rate of heart erosion is obtained through the rooting survey of new cuttings. Corruption of the volume of wood is cut through the cutting area of ​​timber investigation and timber storage site to obtain. In the survey measured heart rot wood rot length, heart rot diameter and diameter. The so-called wood heart wood refers to a significant change in the color of the wood, the material changes in the part.
Transparent thin films of ZnO have been prepared on ordinary glass substrates by the inorganic sol-gel method using citric acid as chelating agent and zinc nitr
2019年英国《泰晤士高等教育》周刊公布的世界大学排名于近日揭晓,清华大学取代此前蝉联三届榜首的新加坡国立大学排名亚洲大学第一,这是中国大陆高校首次名列该排行榜榜首。  来自亚洲27个国家和地区的400多所大学进入榜单。据介绍,清华大学本次排名第一主要归功于其教学环境、引文影响和国际展望得分的大幅提升。新加坡国立大學在本次排名中位列第二,香港科技大学、香港大学和北京大学分列第三至第五。
The title compound 12-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-7,8,9,10,11,12-hexahydrobenzo-[f]pyrimido[4,5-b]quinoline-9,11-dione DMF solvate 1(C24H20Cl2N4O3,Mr=483.34) was synth
MnOx-CeO2 oxides prepared by complexation-combustion method were used for soot oxidation. The highest conversion rate of soot was obtained on a MnOx-CeO2 oxide
近日,美国国家科学院公布新入选的院士名单,以表彰他们在原创研究中的杰出成就。其中中国科学家、美国普林斯顿大学教授、结构生物学家颜宁入选25名美国国家科学院外籍院士名单。就在不久之前,她还获得了“魏兹曼女性科学奖”。  今年42岁的颜宁,不到30岁就成为清华大学生命科学学院最年轻的教授,37岁就率领平均年龄不到30岁的团队攻克了膜蛋白研究领域最受瞩目、国际竞争也最激烈的课题。这项伟大的成就将针对人类