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人们一般都会认为,现实的高考制度是由教育行政部门、亦即教育部制定的,因而对高考问题的批评和建议,也都是面向教育部的。然而,我国高考政策的主要或最终决定者可能并不是教育部,而是国家的政治领导机构以及国家最高领导人。他们的教育观念或教育思想取向,才是高考制度的精神主旨。而他们决定高考政策的主要方式,有时可能恰恰是“不决定”。这种现象的形成原因,既有历史深处的“天人合一”、“大一统”思想观念的影响,也有源自于“法家”且一以贯之的行政主义管理法则及功利主义社会思潮的影响,更有“天不变道亦不变”的社会习惯的作用。因而高考制度的改革时机,往往需要借助“拨乱反正”的机遇;高考制度改革的关键,是国家层次上教育及高考观念的转变;高考制度改革的条件,是教育整体制度的改革,以及政治体制的支持。 People generally think that the reality of the college entrance examination system is set by the education administration department, that is, the Ministry of Education, and therefore criticisms and suggestions on the college entrance examination are also facing the Ministry of Education. However, the main or final determinants of China’s entrance exam policy may not be the Ministry of Education but the country’s political leadership and the country’s supreme leader. Their educational concept or educational thought orientation, is the spirit of the college entrance examination system. And they decided the main form of college entrance examination policy, and sometimes it may be precisely “no decision ”. The reason for this phenomenon is not only the influence of the “unity of man and nature” and “grand unification” in the depths of history, but also the consistent law of administrative management derived from “lawyer” And the impact of utilitarian social trends of thought, but also the role of social habits such as “the same or the same”. Therefore, the reform opportunity of the college entrance examination system often requires the help of “chaos and chaos anyway” opportunities. The key to the reform of college entrance examination system is the change of the concept of education and college entrance examination at the national level. The conditions for the college entrance examination system reform are the reform of the education system as a whole, Institutional support.
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