Photonic spin Hall effect on the surface of anisotropic two-dimensional atomic crystals

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenchaozhi
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We examine the spin-orbit interaction of light and photonic spin Hall effect on the surface of anisotropic two-dimensional atomic crystals. As an example, the photonic spin Hall effect on the surface of black phosphorus is investigated. The photonic spin Hall effect manifests itself as the spin-dependent beam shifts in both transverse and in-plane directions. We demonstrate that the spin-dependent shifts are sensitive to the orientation of the optical axis, doping concentration, and interband transitions. These results can be extensively extended to other anisotropic two-dimensional atomic crystals. By incorporating the quantum weak measurement techniques, the photonic spin Hall effect holds great promise for detecting the parameters of anisotropic two-dimensional atomic crystals.
为定量评价摄像机与景物高速相向运动中造成的图像辐射状模糊的退化程度, 以及科学地评价相关复原算法的有效性, 针对径向模糊度函数和基于图像结构信息的图像质量评价方法进行了研究。文章通过建立径向模糊度函数, 对不同场景图像的模糊度进行了定量描述, 得出该函数在描述该问题时具有一定不稳定性的结论。从辐射状模糊机理和人眼的视觉特性出发, 提出了可在无标准参考图像情况下, 用于评价辐射状模糊图像复原效果的基于图像结构信息的质量评价方法; 并运用该方法证明了正则化迭代法在复原辐射状模糊图像时表现了很好的容错性, 在工
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