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《英语口语活用百表》选注刊出之后,收到一些读者来信,认为有所裨益。也有些读者来信说,他们那里比较闭塞,对国外英语语言教学图书不甚了解,建议多予介绍,这样可以一举两得,既有助于对某些英语结构加深了解,又有助于增加图书信息。这个建议得到《英语自学》编辑部的支持,约请笔者一试。为此,笔者走访了上海外国语学院图书馆、英文书刊资料中心、牛津教学图书资料中心以及英语系教师参考室,查阅适合中级 After the “English Spoken Use of 100 Tables” selection bulletin was published, some readers received letters and thought it was helpful. Some readers also wrote letters saying that they are relatively obscure and they don’t know much about foreign English language teaching books. We recommend introducing them more. This will serve two purposes. It will help deepen the understanding of certain English structures and help increase the information of books. This proposal was supported by the editorial department of the English Self-Study and asked the author to give it a try. For this purpose, the author visited the Shanghai Foreign Languages ​​University Library, the English Book Information Center, the Oxford Teaching Books and Materials Center, and the English Teacher Reference Room to find out about suitable intermediate levels.
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what 和 that 作为连词,均可引导名词从句。由于它们在名词从句中有许多相同之处,因而使得许多英语学习者,特别是初学者难以区别。其主要表现是,一方面在阅读中造成理解上的
A man in a restaurant complained to the waiterthat there was a fly in his cup of coffee. The waitertook the cup away and promised to bring a fresh cupof coffee
六、前缀 preter-,tra-和 trans-的作用为了我的动词研究,我把由《世界语基础》中的词根所产生的以及《插图大词典》(PIV)中所记载的所有动词列出清单。也就是说清单包含了
农在美国人中间,语助词非常丰富,有些在词典中很难找得到,下面不妨略举数例。Ah[a:]:是指Comfortable(松快舒服),或Finally get to sleep(终于可去睡觉了)的情景。Ahh[a:h]: