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防汛工作十大要素辽源市水利局李清海在防汛抗洪抢险工作中,除了各级领导果断决策、正确指挥外,还应着重抓住十大要素。1时间要素防汛抗洪抢险必须做到分秒必争。就辽源市市区防汛而言,洪水大小主要取决于上游集水面积多少,单位时间的降雨量和地理环境等。仅以199... Ten elements of flood control work Li Qinghai Water Conservancy Bureau of Liaoyuan City in flood control and flood relief work, in addition to decisive leadership at all levels of decision-making, correct command, but also should focus on the ten elements. 1 elements of flood control and flood fighting must be second to none. In terms of flood control in Liaoyuan urban area, the size of the flood mainly depends on the upstream catchment area, the rainfall per unit time and the geographical environment. Only 199 ...
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1 前言 公主岭地处松辽平原分水岭,占地总面积4 169平方公里,有耕地331万亩。全市辖32个乡(镇)、430个行政村。总人口 100万人,农业人口 70万人。作为全国的重要商品粮基地,
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