综合运用配套技术 提高种茶经济效益

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杭州是我省外销眉茶和名优茶主产地区之一。茶园面积61.1万亩,其中采摘茶园56.5万亩。1988年产量3.09万吨,产值约2亿元;“七五”期间,茶叶总产量比“六五”增加13998吨,名茶发展进入黄金时代,期间恢复和创新市级以上名茶品目有10余只,总产量超过3000吨。“七五”期间我市广大茶叶科技工作者和茶农,以优质丰产低成本高效益为生产指导思想。开展名茶的开发研究、制茶节能降耗技术的研究推广、茶叶综合配套农艺新技术的研究推广,经过数年的努力工作,这些实用新技术,已为茶区广大茶农所接受,并在生产中程度不同地得到推广、普及和应用,受益于茶农,发挥了巨大经济和社会效益。 Hangzhou is one of the main producing areas for the export of eyebrow tea and famous tea in our province. Tea plantation area of ​​61.1 hectares, of which 565,000 acres of tea plantation picking. During the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period, the total output of tea increased by 13998 tons over that of the “6th Five-Year Plan”, and the development of famous tea entered the golden age. During the period of “7th Five-Year Plan”, there were 10 items of tea reclaimed and innovated at or above municipal level. I only, the total output of more than 3,000 tons. During the “Seventh Five-Year” period, the majority of tea technologists and tea farmers in our city are guided by their ideas of high quality, high yield, low cost and high efficiency. To carry out the development and research of famous tea, research and promotion of energy-saving and energy-saving technology of tea, research and popularization of new technology of tea integrated supporting agriculture, after several years of hard work, these practical and new technologies have been accepted by the majority of tea farmers in the tea area, The degree of production has been widely promoted, popularized and applied to different extents, benefiting the tea farmers and exerting great economic and social benefits.
目的 观察和分析无痛分娩产妇的临床护理效果和结局.方法 随机选择我院接收过的(2017年1月-2018年3月)150例初产妇,采用无痛分娩的产妇按照不同的护理模式进行分组,常规组(n=