我县共有小学生10万5千多人,2813个教学班,而农村民办小学生的总数和班级均占65%左右,分散在全县10个区71个乡592个村里。90%以上的学校无场地或场地十分狭小,几乎没有器材,全县民师2516人中没有一个受过专门训练的专职体育教师,多年来学生的体育课几乎都被挤占,课外活动也只停留在课表上。面对严峻现实,经过不断思索,我们认为一味的“等、靠、要”,是懦夫懒汉无所作为的思想,我们必须在党委、政府的领导下,在社会和家长的大力支持下,充分发挥乡中心完小“五个中心”的作用,动员全体民办教师群策群力,走自己的路。我们的具体作法是: 一、经过充分的调查研究,我们确定了农村民办小学体育工作的指导思想。即“以土为主,逐步过渡,
There are more than 105,000 primary school students and 2,813 teaching classes in my county. The total number of private primary school students in rural areas and their classes account for about 65%, and they are scattered in 592 villages in 71 townships in 10 districts. More than 90% of the schools have no space or space, and there are almost no equipment. There are no 2516 full-time professional teachers who have been specially trained in the county. For many years, the students’ physical education classes have almost been crowded out, and extra-curricular activities have only remained. On the class schedule. In the face of harsh realities, after constant reflection, we believe that blindly “waiting for, relying on, and asking” is the idea that widowers are lazy and do nothing. We must give full play to the township under the leadership of the party committee and government and with the strong support of the society and parents. The role of the center’s “five centers” has been mobilized to mobilize all non-government teachers to make concerted efforts to take their own path. Our specific approaches are: First, after thorough investigation and study, we have determined the guiding ideology for rural primary school sports. That is to say, "based on soil, gradual transition,