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全国第三届中小学生电子琴比赛历时8个月,目前载着丰硕成果圆满结束。本届比赛从初赛到决赛,都注意把比赛同推动群众性电子琴教学、表演活动结合起来;把选拔优胜者和普遍性的辅导结合起来;把普及与提高结合起来。做到了层层开展,层层收益。中小学生的电子琴比赛从来没有像今天这样在音乐界、教育界、学生和家长中间引起如此强烈的关注,比赛中的好思想、好做法、好风气正在产生广泛而深远的影响。本届比赛表现出在演奏、比赛的质量、水平以及对电子琴教学的认识程度都有大幅度的提高。所有选手都专心致志地理解作品、表现作品。不仅在演奏技巧上有明显提高,更重要的是反映出选手在趣味、审美情趣的追求,以及精神气质上向更高境界迈进的喜人景象,从这种变化中,大家清楚地看到中小学生电子琴教学、演奏、比赛活动的育人初衷正在得以实现,中小学生电子琴教学、比赛 The Third National Piano Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students lasted 8 months and now it has a successful conclusion. This competition from the preliminary round to the finals, pay attention to the competition with the promotion of mass electronic piano teaching, performance activities combined; the selection of winners and universal counseling; popularization and improvement combined. Do a layer of development, layers of revenue. The keyboard competition for primary and secondary students has never caused such intense attention among the musicians, educators, students and parents as they are today. The good ideas, good practices and good morals in the competition are having a broad and far-reaching impact. This competition shows that there is a substantial improvement in the performance, quality of competition, level of knowledge and understanding of organ teaching. All players are dedicated to understanding the work, the performance of the work. Not only is there a significant improvement in playing skills, but more importantly, it reflects the players’ pleasurable interest in the quest for aesthetic taste as well as their spiritual temperament to a higher level. From this change, students clearly see that primary and middle school students Electronic piano teaching, playing, competition activities, the original intention of educating people is being achieved, primary and secondary electronic organ teaching, competition
杜仲具有较强的抗病虫能力,长江以北各产区杜仲树很少发生病虫害。但近几年苗圃病虫害有发生蔓延的势头,危害杜仲苗木的病虫害主要有根腐病和金龟子。1 苗木根腐病该病害多在苗
In this paper, CoMFA method was applied to study the 3D QSAR on a series of 3 anilinomethylene 6 alkyl (aryl) 5,6 2H dihydropyran 2, 4 dione compounds,
目的:采用RP-HPLC法建立维感泡腾片中腺苷的含量测定方法。方法:以甲醇-水(8∶92)为流动相,ShimadzuC18(250 mm×4.6 mm,S-5μm)色谱柱,检测波长为260 nm,柱温为35℃,流速为1