本模块知识网络Module 5 Ethnic Culture

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  run v.
  hatch v.
  farm v.
  fish v.
  fasten v.
  fold v.
  adjust v.
  minority n.
  belt n.
  custom n.
  apron n.
  pineapple n.
  crop n.
  opera n.
  hammer n.
  tyre n.
  jungle n.
  soul n.
  ox n.
  spear n.
  garment n.
  sleeve n.
  necklace n.
  jewellery n.
  arch n.
  framework n.
  fibre n.
  corn n.
  spade n.
  tool n.
  chick n.
  rooster n.
  mat n.
  teapot n.
  waist n.
  nephew n.
  garage n.
  rainbow n.
  ethnic adj.
  diverse adj.
  native adj.
  varied adj.
  foolish adj.
  lame adj.
  firm adj.
  rigid adj.
  loose adj.
  bare adj.
  awkward adj.
  apparently adv.
  1. minority n. 少数民族,少数群体;少数,少数派,少
  The school is 95 per cent minority.
  For a minority, the decision was a disappointment.
  On the last point, he realized, he was a minority of one.
  The majority of people interviewed prefer computer to TV.
  2. native adj. 出生地的,儿时居住地的;土生土长的,本
  n. 出生于某国(或某地)的人;本地人,当地人
  It is a long time since he has visited his native Poland.
  As a native Australian, do you have any suggestions or recommen-dations for our youth?
  After all, Carlo is a native of Nevada, and he knows his way around.
  You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives.
  3. run v. 控制,管理,经营;跑,奔跑;(使)运转,
  Stop trying to run my life for me.
  He has no idea how to run a business.
  Our van runs on diesel.
  Could you run the engine for a moment?
  (1) run across sb/sth 偶然遇见/看到(某人/某物)
  (2) run after 追求;追逐,追赶
  (3) run away (from sb/sth) 突然离开,逃离
  (4) run out 用完,耗尽;过期,失效
  4. custom n. 风俗,习惯,传统,习俗;个人习惯,习
  It is the custom in that country for women to marry young.   女子早婚是那个国家的风俗。
  As was his custom, he knocked three times.
  Social customs are greatly different from country to country.
  You need to change your eating habits.
  They broke with tradition and got married quietly.
  customer n. 顾客,主顾,客户
  customs n.(政府部门)海关;关税,进口税
  5. foolish adj. 愚蠢的,傻的;出丑;显得尴尬
  How could she have been so foolish as to fall in love with him?
  He’s afraid of looking foolish in front of his friends.
  fool n. 蠢人,傻瓜
  v. 欺骗,娱乐;说蠢话,干傻事
  foolishly adv. 愚蠢地,傻地
  foolishness n. 愚蠢
  6. firm adj. 牢固的,稳固的;坚固的,坚硬的,结实的;
  adv. 坚信,坚持
  v. 使强壮,使坚固,使坚实
  n. 商行,商号,公司
  Stand the fish tank on a firm base.
  These peaches are still firm.
  We have no firm evidence to support the case.
  She held firm to her principles.
  This product claims to firm your body in six weeks.
  They demanded the divorce of the subsidiary from the parent firm.
  7. fasten v.(使两部分)系牢,缚紧,扎牢,结牢,扣紧;
  (1) fasten (sth) (up) 把……系牢/扣紧
  Fasten your seatbelts, please.
  He fastened up his coat and hurried out.
  (2) fasten A to B 把A和B系在一起
  There were no instructions on how to fasten the carrying strap to the box.
  (1) fasten one’s attention on sth 集中注意力于某事上
  (2) fasten one’s eyes on sb/sth 注视着(盯着)某人/某物
  8. fold v. 折叠,对折(纸、织物等);折小,叠平;包,裹
  n. 褶,褶层,褶叠部分;褶痕,褶缝
  fold sth up (back/down/over...) 把……折叠/对折起来
  He folded the map up and put it in his pocket.
  The blankets had been folded down.
  (1) fold sb in one’s arms 拥抱/搂住某人
  (2) fold one’s arms 双臂交叉在胸前
  (3) fold one’s hands 十指交叉合拢交叠
  9. adjust v. 适应,使适应,习惯;调整,调节
  (1) adjust to sth/doing sth 适应某事/做某事
  It took her a while to adjust to living alone after the divorce.
  她离婚以后,过了一段时间才适应了单身生活。   (2) adjust oneself to sth 使自己适应某事
  You’ll quickly adjust yourself to student life.
  (3) adjust sth (to sth) 调整;调节
  Adjust your language to the age of your audience.
  adjustment n. 调整,调节;(思想等)调整,适应
  adjustable adj. 可调整的,可调节的
  10. in use 在使用
  From 1900, electric discharge lamps were in use in Europe and the USA.
  The conference room is already in use.
  use n. 用,使用,得到利用;用途,功能,用法
  (1) be of use 有用的
  (2) make use of sth 利用某物
  (3) put sth to use 把……投入使用
  (4) be no use doing sth 做……没有用
  (5) out of use 不再被使用
  use v. 使用,利用,运用
  (1) be/get used to sth/doing sth 习惯了某事/做某事
  (2) be used to do sth 被用来做某事
  (3) used to be 过去的样子或状态
  (4) used to do sth 过去常常做某事
  11. in the distance 在远处
  The noise of the car died away in the distance.
  Sadly they saw the shores of England disappear in the distance.
  (1) at a distance 稍远一点;离一段距离
  (2) at a distance of 以……距离
  12. set off 出发,动身,启程
  set off = set out,都意为“出发,动身,启程”。
  We set off for London just after ten.
  He bade his wife farewell and set out on his journey.
  (1) set about sth/doing sth 开始做/着手做某事
  (2) set aside 留出,拨出;不顾,不理会
  (3) set down 记下,写下,登记
  (4) set up 竖立,建造;建立,创立跟踪导练(一)
  The mother came out of the exam room to hold me up: she knew I would probably have to talk to her daughter about how she was gaining weight, she said, but please don’t use the word “fat” or even “overweight”. Don’t make her feel bad about herself.
  The girl was about 8, and clearly some balance had shifted over the past year, and her weight was increasing much too fast relative to her height.
  But I was as conscious of my own body as I was of hers. “How on earth,” I was thinking, “should I give nutritional advice when all they have to do is to look at me to see that I don’t follow it very well myself? How to be in line with her mother’s reasonable request? And above all, how should I help prevent from the so-called childhood obesity(肥胖)when not a week goes by that I don’t break my own resolutions?”
  “The advice we’re supposed to give is ‘Eat less, exercise more,’” said Dr Julie C. Lumeng, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan Medical School and an expert in child-hood obesity.   “What does it mean when the doctor clearly can not follow the doctor’s own advice?” I asked that question of Dr David Ludwig, director of the Optimal Weight for Life Program.
  “This is an issue that can cut in every possible direction,” he replied. “The doctor who is herself struggling with her weight will have the advantage of personal experience in the patient’s viewpoint—which may increase sympathy and provide other insights that a primary-care practitioner without the problem may not have.”
  “On the other hand,” he continued, “the patient may view a doctor who is well overweight as lacking the basic understanding of the problem to put those principles into effect in his own life.”
  There has been growing concern about childhood obesity in recent years. But meanwhile, the American children have gotten heavier. I have diagnosed Type 2 diabetes(糖尿病)in too many of my patients, and I haven’t done any major shrinking myself.
  1. Why did the mother stop the doctor after her daughter was examined?
  A. She knew the doctor.
  B. She wanted to get some advice.
  C. She was eager to know the result.
  D. She had something secret to tell the doctor.
  2. What can we learn from the text about the doctor?
  A. He was trying to lose weight.
  B. He was an expert on childhood obesity.
  C. He gave some nutritional advice to the girl.
  D. He knew Dr Julie C and Dr David Ludwig well.
  3. What do the underlined words in Paragraph 6 probably refer to?
  A. Gaining weight.
  B. Failing to reduce weight.
  C. Being unable to follow the advice of his own.
  D. Having no much experience in reducing weight.
  4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
  A. The author feels unsuccessful in his job.
  B. The American children are getting weaker.
  C. Fat doctors are more concerned with childhood obesity.
  D. More and more people come to care for childhood obesity.
  My kids and I would be spending the Thanksgiving Day without their father. He had 1 several months before. The two older kids were 2 with the flu. I had only about $2.5 to 3 until the end of the month.
  Then I heard the phone ring. It was the 4 from the church. She said they had something to give us. So I dropped by the church on my way to the 5 .
  The church secretary met me at the door and 6 me a special envelope. I opened the envelope and found two grocery certificates(杂货购物券)inside. Each was worth $20.   “Thank you very much,” I said, and as we 7 each other, I cried.
  Then I went to a store and bought some 8 things and had a little over $14 groceries. As I handed the cashier(收银员)one of the gift certificates, she took it, but turned her back for what seemed like a very 9 time. I thought something might be wrong.
  “This certificate is a real blessing,” I explained. “Our church gave it to my family, knowing I’m a 10 parent trying to make ends meet.”
  The cashier turned 11 and replied, “Honey, do you have a turkey?”
  “Anything else for Thanksgiving dinner?”
  “No. But it’s okay,” I replied.
  Handing me the 12 , she said, “I can’t tell you exactly 13
  now, but please go back into the store and buy a turkey, or anything else you 14 for Thanksgiving dinner.”
  “Are you 15 ?” I asked.
  “Yes! Get whatever you want.”
  I felt awkward as I went back to do some more shopping, but I chose a fresh turkey, a few potatoes, and some juices for the children. Then I 16 the shopping cart(购物车)up to the same cashier.
  “Now I can tell you,” she said, with 17 in her kind eyes. “This morning! I 18 to help someone today, and you walked through my line!”
  She reached under the counter for her 19 , took out a $20 bill and paid for my groceries.
  “I’m glad I could 20 ,” she said. “Here is my phone number if you ever need anything. God bless you, honey.”
  1. A. returned B. left C. arrived D. disappeared
  2. A. satisfied B. sad C. sick D. disappointed
  3. A. last B. help C. spend D. take
  4. A. cashier B. boss C. mother D. secretary
  5. A. farm B. market C. bank D. hospital
  6. A. made B. bought C. wrote D. handed
  7. A. helped B. hugged C. called D. thanked
  8. A. delicious B. cheap C. common D. necessary
  9. A. long B. quiet C. dull D. high
  10. A. strict B. kind C. single D. busy
  11. A. down B. out C. up D. around
  12. A. turkey B. juice C. change D. envelope
  13. A. what B. when C. who D. why
  14. A. need B. cook C. prepare D. afford
  15. A. joking B. mad C. sure D. true
  16. A. drove B. wheeled C. changed D. raised
  17. A. tears B. happiness C. joy D. fun
  18. A. tried B. expected C. asked D. offered
  19. A. pocket B. case C. drawer D. purse
  20. A. help B. know C. see D. manage
  The mother came out of the exam room to hold me up: she knew I would probably have to talk to her daughter about how she was gaining weight, she said, but please don’t use the word “fat” or even “overweight”. Don’t make her feel bad about herself.   The girl was about 8, and clearly some balance had shifted over the past year, and her weight was increasing much too fast relative to her height.
  But I was as conscious of my own body as I was of hers. “How on earth,” I was thinking, “should I give nutritional advice when all they have to do is to look at me to see that I don’t follow it very well myself? How to be in line with her mother’s reasonable request? And above all, how should I help prevent from the so-called childhood obesity(肥胖)when not a week goes by that I don’t break my own resolutions?”
  “The advice we’re supposed to give is ‘Eat less, exercise more,’” said Dr Julie C. Lumeng, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan Medical School and an expert in child-hood obesity.
  “What does it mean when the doctor clearly can not follow the doctor’s own advice?” I asked that question of Dr David Ludwig, director of the Optimal Weight for Life Program.
  “This is an issue that can cut in every possible direction,” he replied. “The doctor who is herself struggling with her weight will have the advantage of personal experience in the patient’s viewpoint—which may increase sympathy and provide other insights that a primary-care practitioner without the problem may not have.”
  “On the other hand,” he continued, “the patient may view a doctor who is well overweight as lacking the basic understanding of the problem to put those principles into effect in his own life.”
  There has been growing concern about childhood obesity in recent years. But meanwhile, the American children have gotten heavier. I have diagnosed Type 2 diabetes(糖尿病)in too many of my patients, and I haven’t done any major shrinking myself.
  1. Why did the mother stop the doctor after her daughter was examined?
  A. She knew the doctor.
  B. She wanted to get some advice.
  C. She was eager to know the result.
  D. She had something secret to tell the doctor.
  2. What can we learn from the text about the doctor?
  A. He was trying to lose weight.
  B. He was an expert on childhood obesity.
  C. He gave some nutritional advice to the girl.
  D. He knew Dr Julie C and Dr David Ludwig well.
  3. What do the underlined words in Paragraph 6 probably refer to?
  A. Gaining weight.
  B. Failing to reduce weight.
  C. Being unable to follow the advice of his own.
  D. Having no much experience in reducing weight.   4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
  A. The author feels unsuccessful in his job.
  B. The American children are getting weaker.
  C. Fat doctors are more concerned with childhood obesity.
  D. More and more people come to care for childhood obesity.
  My kids and I would be spending the Thanksgiving Day without their father. He had 1 several months before. The two older kids were 2 with the flu. I had only about $2.5 to 3 until the end of the month.
  Then I heard the phone ring. It was the 4 from the church. She said they had something to give us. So I dropped by the church on my way to the 5 .
  The church secretary met me at the door and 6 me a special envelope. I opened the envelope and found two grocery certificates(杂货购物券)inside. Each was worth $20.
  “Thank you very much,” I said, and as we 7 each other, I cried.
  Then I went to a store and bought some 8 things and had a little over $14 groceries. As I handed the cashier(收银员)one of the gift certificates, she took it, but turned her back for what seemed like a very 9 time. I thought something might be wrong.
  “This certificate is a real blessing,” I explained. “Our church gave it to my family, knowing I’m a 10 parent trying to make ends meet.”
  The cashier turned 11 and replied, “Honey, do you have a turkey?”
  “Anything else for Thanksgiving dinner?”
  “No. But it’s okay,” I replied.
  Handing me the 12 , she said, “I can’t tell you exactly 13
  now, but please go back into the store and buy a turkey, or anything else you 14 for Thanksgiving dinner.”
  “Are you 15 ?” I asked.
  “Yes! Get whatever you want.”
  I felt awkward as I went back to do some more shopping, but I chose a fresh turkey, a few potatoes, and some juices for the children. Then I 16 the shopping cart(购物车)up to the same cashier.
  “Now I can tell you,” she said, with 17 in her kind eyes. “This morning! I 18 to help someone today, and you walked through my line!”
  She reached under the counter for her 19 , took out a $20 bill and paid for my groceries.
  “I’m glad I could 20 ,” she said. “Here is my phone number if you ever need anything. God bless you, honey.”
  1. A. returned B. left C. arrived D. disappeared
  2. A. satisfied B. sad C. sick D. disappointed
  3. A. last B. help C. spend D. take
  4. A. cashier B. boss C. mother D. secretary   5. A. farm B. market C. bank D. hospital
  6. A. made B. bought C. wrote D. handed
  7. A. helped B. hugged C. called D. thanked
  8. A. delicious B. cheap C. common D. necessary
  9. A. long B. quiet C. dull D. high
  10. A. strict B. kind C. single D. busy
  11. A. down B. out C. up D. around
  12. A. turkey B. juice C. change D. envelope
  13. A. what B. when C. who D. why
  14. A. need B. cook C. prepare D. afford
  15. A. joking B. mad C. sure D. true
  16. A. drove B. wheeled C. changed D. raised
  17. A. tears B. happiness C. joy D. fun
  18. A. tried B. expected C. asked D. offered
  19. A. pocket B. case C. drawer D. purse
  20. A. help B. know C. see D. manage
  “Lemons” in Used Car Market
  Suppose that you, a college student of limited income, are in the market of a used pickup truck. The following ad in a local used car publication catches your eyes.
  1993 Ford Ranger, 4WD, a/c.
  AM/FM/cass., showroom condition.
  Call 555-1234 after 5pm.
  This is exactly the kind of car you want, so you call to ask about the price. The price you are told over the phone is $2,000 lower than the price for this model with this equipment listed in a used car guidebook. Instead of being interested, however, you are suspicious.
  For many products, when you must pay less than the going rate, you believe you are getting a great deal. This is not necessarily the case for used cars or other durable goods(耐用消费品)(washing machines and television sets, for example) because with expensive products you must be particularly careful about getting a “lemon”.
  In addition to asking the price, the age of a car is a factor when you are trying to determine whether a seller is attempting to sell a lemon. While people have all sorts of reasons for wanting to sell their cars—even relatively new cars—most people hold off until they have put many thousands of miles on a car or until the used car is several years old. You would probably be as suspicious of a car that is “too new” as you would a car that is “too good” a deal. In fact, you are probably willing to pay a high price for a high-quality used car. While this price would certainly be acceptable to the seller, the competitive market might not facilitate(有利于)such trades.
  1. What is the meaning of the underlined word “suspicious”?
  A. Very happy. B. Quite surprised.   C. Rather doubtful. D. A little interested.
  2. “Lemon” in this passage refers to ___ .
  A. a kind of fruit
  B. a kind of used car
  C. a product of low price
  D. a product of poor quality
  3. What should you consider carefully to get a good buy according to the author?
  A. The miles the car has run.
  B. The price and the age of the car.
  C. The trade condition of the car market.
  D. The reason of the seller for selling the car.
  4. We can infer from the last two sentences of the text that used cars are ___ .
  A. relatively new B. generally cheap
  C. usually of poor quality D. very attractive to buyers
  A poor worker found some work as a fisherman’s helper. He
  1 (pay) a few fish a day, and this kept his family alive. One day he caught a pretty little fish. Suddenly the fish spoke 2 him, “Just moments ago I was playing with my friends. Now I’m in your hands. My parents and playmates must be looking for me. Please throw me back into the water! ” The worker quickly 3 (throw) the fish back into the water, “All right, go along and play again.” 4 the worker’s boss saw this, he became very angry with him. So the poor worker walked 5 (sad) home.
  He was walking home when he saw a monster(怪物) 6
  (come) toward him. The worker told him his story. The monster said: “ I’m going to do you a favor. I’ll allow you 7 ( keep ) this cow for three years. She’ll give you good milk, and you’ll never go
  8 (hunger). But three years later, I’ll come and ask certain questions. If you answer correctly, the cow will be 9 (your). Or I’ll take it away.” Then three years later, the monster stood silently at the door for some time, and then told him, “You’ve answered correctly. A 10 (kind) is never lost, even if you throw it into the water.”
  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  Today is Sunday. I had been studying all day long. On the morning, I had a dry breakfast. I had no water to drink because the water supply had cut off. The water came back in the evening. I did math exercises then. I didn’t stop after 12 o’clock. After the short lunch I had a break. Then I went to my Sunday English Class. After a long and tired class for more than two hours, I got home. Then I must review all my subject such as the Sciences, the Humanities which they include Chinese, English, Politics and History as well. That’s terribly, especially when there were no water.   跟踪导练(四)
  We believe that there is more to education than preparation for a job. Children must be prepared for all aspects of their adult-life work, leisure, personal relationships, creative activities, dealing with money matters, independence, and parenthood.
  However, it would be unrealistic to provide an education which gave no consideration to the needs of employers.
  What type of training does the business world regard as important?
  Many young people applying for jobs are, in the employers’ opinions, very weak in the basic skills of handwriting, grammar and spelling. Though further education at university level improves the students’ general ability, a report states, “In basic skills the standards remain stubbornly low.”
  It is doubtful whether standards have lowered in recent years. What is certain is that employers do not believe the standard is now high enough. Do technological changes make greater demands upon the students’ abilities?
  We should also remember that the job expectations of young people have increased. The girls who would have once become shop assistants or hairdressers now want to be secretaries. Boys who sought an apprenticeship(学徒身份)20 years ago now desire to have an engineering degree. But it is still the same girls and boys with the same degree of ability. No wonder there are problems in reaching the “necessary standards” of the business world.
  Many employers believe that it is important for teachers to have experience outside the world of college and school. They should work for a while at some other kinds of jobs to see how the world of business and commerce is different from their own. The teaching profession and society in general need a greater under-standing of manpower needs and therefore of “the desired” direction of the education system.
  1. In the writer’s opinion, education should ___ .
  A. improve adults’ life
  B. pay more attention to basic skills
  C. centre on students’ working ability
  D. take the needs of employers into consideration
  2. In talking about basic skills, the employers mean the standards ___ .
  A. have lowered B. are changing
  C. can’t meet the need D. should be kept the same
  3. The underlined part in Paragraph 6 refers to those who ___ .
  A. are likely to be unemployed
  B. have just left the middle school
  C. are looking for jobs far beyond their abilities   D. might be shop assistants, hairdressers or apprentices in the past
  4. It’s suggested that teachers should ___ .
  A. never change their jobs
  B. improve their teaching methods
  C. spend more time on their school work
  D. get some working experience outside school
  There was a very rich village landowner in India who was very generous. Everybody 1 him. Once he decided that for three days he would 2 things, including money, only to the 3 . People were happy to receive rice, vegetables, money and other kinds of things.
  One poor man got a very heavy sack(麻布袋)of rice. 4 he was such a poor man, he was very satisfied with it. But when he emptied the sack, to his great 5 , he found twenty gold coins inside the rice. His greedy(贪婪的)wife was 6 .
  The husband said, “The landowner didn’t intend to give me these gold coins. This must be a 7 . I should return these coins.” The wife said 8 , “You are a fool! We are so poor. This is the time to take the gold to the market and exchange it 9 lots of money.” The husband 10 to do what his wife suggested. Then they 11 about the gold for hours. Of course, the husband 12
  because it was he who had brought the rice home.
  The following day, he went 13 to the rich man’s house and said, “You were so 14 to give all of us so many things. I have found these twenty gold coins put in the rice sack by mistake. Now I have come to 15 them to you. Though I am only a beggar, I can 16 accept this kind of gift if it was a mistake.” The rich man was so 17 by his sincerity and decided to give the poor man twice the amount. He said, “You brought me twenty gold coins and now you are getting forty. You are such an honest man. I am going to 18 an honest man as my housekeeper. Will you come and have a 19 ?”
  As expected, the rich man finally found his 20 house-keeper—the poor but honest man.
  1. A. pleased B. admired C. envied D. appreciated
  2. A. give away B. get back C. throw away D. set off
  3. A. sick B. young C. poor D. old
  4. A. Although B. But C. While D. Since
  5. A. excitement B. surprise C. disappointment D. joy
  6. A. frightened B. delighted C. crazy D. satisfied
  7. A. test B. mistake C. joke D. trick
  8. A. eagerly B. patiently C. foolishly D. angrily
  9. A. for B. to C. with D. by
  10. A. managed B. tried C. refused D. permitted
  11. A. discussed B. thought C. argued D. quarrelled   12. A. finished B. won C. changed D. defeated
  13. A. back B. away C. round D. off
  14. A. wealthy B. friendly C. kind D. careless
  15. A. return B. send C. give D. recover
  16. A. hardly B. never C. seldom D. nearly
  17. A. happy B. shocked C. ashamed D. moved
  18. A. regard B. train C. employ D. help
  19. A. job B. break C. drink D. try
  20. A. kind-hearted B. wise C. special D. faithful
  According to historical documents, the forefathers of the Naxi people were closely related to a tribe called “Maoniu Yi” in the Han Dynasty, “Maoniu Yi” in the Jin Dynasty and “Moxie Yi” in the Tang Dynasty.
  Between the early 10th century and the middle of the 13th century, production in the Lijiang area experienced marked changes, as agriculture replaced livestock(家畜)breeding as the main occupation of the people. Scores of agricultural, handicraft, mineral and livestock products were turned out, and the country presented a picture of prosperity. During that period, a number of slave-owning groups in Ninglang, Lijiang and Weixi counties gradually grew into a feudal manorial lord caste(世袭封建庄园领主制).
  In 1278, the Yuan Dynasty established Lijiang Prefecture(自治州), representing the imperial court in Yunnan Province. This resulted in closer links between the Lijiang area and the centre of the empire.
  In the early Ming Dynasty, the leader of the Naxi people, named Mude, was made chief of Lijiang Prefecture, exercising control over the Naxi and other ethnic groups nearby. Throughout the Ming Dynasty, the chiefs from the Mu family kept taxes and tribute(贡品)flowing to the Ming court in the form of silver and grain. The Ming, in turn, relied on the Mu family as the mainstay for the control of the people of various ethnic groups in northwestern Yunnan Province.
  Later, with the development of the productive forces, buying, selling and renting of land began to take place in the Naxi areas, marking the beginning of a landlord economy.
  1. What was probably the main occupation in the 13th century in Lijiang?
  A. Livestock breeding. B. Agriculture.
  C. Fishing. D. Forestry.
  2. When was Lijiang Prefecture set up?
  A. In the Tang Dynasty. B. In the Song Dynasty.
  C. In the Yuan Dynasty. D. In the Ming Dynasty.
  3. What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?
  A. Mu Family’s important role.
  B. The Ming court’s financial situation.   C. The achievements of Naxi people’s leader.
  D. Yunnan Province’s economy in Ming Dynasty..
  4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
  A. The Mu Family
  B. The Rulers of Naxi
  C. The History of Lijiang Prefecture
  D. The History of the Naxi Ethnic Group
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  2. 原因分析;
  3. 你对课外阅读的看法。
  参考词汇:extra-curricular reading 课外阅读
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  Li Hua
Kobe Bryant, the former US National Basketball Association league star, launches a $100 million venture capital fund known as Bryant Stibel at the New York Stock Exchange.  Mr Bryant, the former capta
高考词汇  feed v. 喂养;为……提供食品  serve v. 端上(饭菜等)  whisper v. 低声地说;耳语  seize v. 抓住  hang v. 绞死;吊死  lock v. 用锁锁(起来)  scream v. 尖叫;高声喊叫  drag v. 拖;拉;硬拽  escape v. 逃跑  intend v. 打算  distribute v. 分发,分配,分送  chok
touch v.  arise v.  boom v.  budget v.  devote v.  swap v.  yell v.  beg v.  quit v.  movement n.  technique n.  approach n.  decline n.  friction n.  harmony n.  virtue n.  blouse n.  consensus n.  c