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从人的角度上看,贪婪或许并不是一个好的品质;但从企业的角度上看,贪婪却是企业不断进取的要素之一。尤其对于大企业来说,当它发展到一定规模并获得一定成就之后,常常会不自觉地产生了满足感,使企业战略变得保守起来,“贪性”不足了。2006年,笔者在剑南春集团采访时,集团酒类经营有限公司总经理陈从秀就曾告诉记者,剑南春就走过了这样一个“阵痛期”。“那段时间,我们的产能获得了突破,销售也是供不应求,良好的发展势头让整个集团都满怀欣喜。但这也在一定程度上让我们放慢了手脚,在进一步提高产能、扩大产品的覆盖面方面都有些动力不足。随之带来的结果就是我们在一些地区的领先地位被其他品牌取代了。”陈从秀说,这一段经历让她始终警醒--在制定好长期战略之后,必须专注地执行下去,永远都不能自满、知足。实际上,这是很多集团企业都曾面对的问题,无论是海尔、联想等国内厂商,还是IBM、GE、索尼等国际巨头,都受过“大企业病”的困扰。路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。屈原的这句诗中所体现出来的坚持和专注,或许可以为大企业们排难解忧。 From a human point of view, greed may not be a good quality; but from the business point of view, greed is one of the elements of the enterprise keep making progress. Especially for large enterprises, when it develops to a certain scale and achieves certain achievements, it often unconsciously generates a sense of satisfaction and makes the enterprise strategy become more conservative. In 2006, when I interviewed Jiannanchun Group, Chen Congxiu, general manager of the Group’s liquor business, once told reporters that Jiannanchun passed such a “painful period”. “During that time, we achieved a breakthrough in production capacity, sales are in short supply, the good momentum of development so that the whole group are full of joy, but it also slowed our hands and feet to some extent, in further increase production capacity and expand the product There is a lack of motivation in terms of coverage, and as a result, we have taken the lead in some of our regions to be replaced by other brands. ”Mr Chan said that this experience has always kept her awake - after a long-term strategy has been formulated, she must focus To implement it, never be complacent, contentment. In fact, this is a problem faced by many group companies. Whether it is the domestic manufacturers such as Haier or Lenovo, or the international giants such as IBM, GE and Sony, they have been plagued by “big enterprise diseases.” Long way to repair it Xi, I will search up and down. The insistence and concentration embodied in Qu Yuan’s poem may help solve the worries of large enterprises.
■全国成人高考录取工作展开成人高校招生考试阅卷工作即将展开,录取工作将于11月中旬开始、12月底前结束。今年全国成人高校计划招生220万人,预计录取率为75%。 ■ Nationa
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身为中国人,谁不使用祖国的货币?但是,如果有人问:祖国货币历史有多长,它的祖宗是谁和具有什么特色,能答得出来吗? 最近,我们访问中国人民银行《中国历代货币图册》编辑组,
您是否正在为怎样获得切实可行的、可持续的商业增长绞尽脑汁?在追求增长的途中,您是否身陷困局?也许正是关于增长的22条迷思让您处于迷雾之中难觅方向。[续2008.8(上)] Are
From August to October 1939, the author accompanied by his colleaguestook part in the Sikang Expedition Party of the Chinese Society of NationalScience for geog
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