Characteristics of Larch Bark Pyrolysis and Analyses on Liquid Pyrolyzate Components

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:willian_tang
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This paper studies the characteristics of larch bark pyrolysis and analyzes factors that affect the pyrolysis and the liquid pyrolytic component. The results are as follows: TG curve shows that the pyrolysis can be divided into three parts: drying process, pyrolytic process, and carbonate and calcinated process. Both the size of grain and the temperature rising rate affect the shape of TG and DTG. Vinegar and sedimentary tar are main components of pyrolyzate products. GC-MS is applied to analyze vinegar. It is shown that the vinegar is a highly complex compound which is composed of phenol and its derivatives (45.620%), organic acid (13.851%), keto derivatives (9.754%), aldehydic derivatives (8.573%), alcoholic derivatives (1.794%), ester and its derivatives (0.205%). This paper studies the characteristics of larch bark pyrolysis and analyzes factors that that affect the pyrolysis and the liquid pyrolytic component. The results are as follows: TG curve shows that pyrolysis can divided into three parts: drying process, pyrolytic process, and carbonate and Both the size of grain and the temperature rising rate affect the shape of TG and DTG. Vinegar and sedimentary tar are main components of pyrolyzate products. GC-MS is applied to analyze vinegar. It is shown that the vinegar is a highly complex compound which is composed of phenol and its derivatives (45.620%), organic acid (13.851%), keto derivatives (9.754%), aldehydic derivatives ).
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