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在能源互联网时代,区域供冷供热系统将由原本单一形式的热源向多种形式热源并存转变,尤其是可再生能源和未利用能源。不同形式不同品位的热源集成必将引起系统能量变化。能源总线系统是集成化规模化应用区域内可再生能源及未利用能源的多源多用户能源系统。本文针对能源总线系统相对常规分散系统而言特有的多源多用户特征进行系统混水和热回收过程的变分析,将能源总线系统抽象为一系列工作在高温热源和低温热源之间的劳伦兹循环的集成,通过建立能源总线系统与常规分散系统的理想热力学模型,找到能源总线系统混水和热回收过程变的规律及影响因素。结果表明:系统的变化与各子系统低温热源进出口温度、高温热源进口温度以及高低温热源质量流量比相关,不同的设计参数会导致混水过程能量发生增加或者减小,亦或不变。通过分析得到热回收过程影响源侧总线热量变化的相关参数并找到热量变化规律,并得到最佳总线供水温度TEBS1的确定方法。 In the era of energy Internet, the district cooling and heating system will coexist with various forms of heat sources, especially renewable energy and unutilized energy, from the original single-source heat source. Different forms of different levels of heat integration will inevitably lead to system energy changes. The energy bus system is a multi-source and multi-user energy system integrating renewable energy and unutilized energy in a large-scale application area. In this dissertation, aiming at the multi-source and multi-user characteristics of energy bus system, which are peculiar to the conventional decentralized system, the energy bus system is abstracted as a series of work between high-temperature heat source and low-temperature heat source Lunz cycle integration, through the establishment of the ideal thermodynamic model of the energy bus system and the conventional decentralized system to find the rules and influencing factors of the energy bus system mixed water and heat recovery process change. The results show that the change of system 与 is related to the inlet and outlet temperature of low temperature heat source, the inlet temperature of high temperature heat source and the mass flow rate of high and low temperature heat source in each subsystem. Different design parameters may cause the energy of mixing process to increase or decrease or not change . Through the analysis, the relevant parameters that affect the heat change of the source side bus during the heat recovery process are obtained and the heat variation law is found, and the method of determining the optimum bus water supply temperature TEBS1 is obtained.
光纤自诊断系统是智能复合材料结构的重要组成部分。但是 ,将光纤传感器阵列埋入复合材料是实现智能复合材料的一个难题。解决这一问题的方法是将光纤传感器集成在一起形成一
<正>例1,女,64岁,既往无药物及食物过敏史,无支气管哮喘病史。因"头晕半天伴视物旋转,感恶心"门诊拟诊为"梅尼埃病",遵医嘱给予0.9%氯化钠注射液250 ml+注射用胞磷胆碱钠(浙
目的:分析新生儿ABO血型不合溶血病的诊断和治疗情况,为临床诊断和治疗该病提供临床数据。方法:选择出生并确诊的218例新生儿ABO血型不合溶血病病例,其中95例为出生48 h内(含48