
来源 :现代口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Aegean1218
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本文从三个方面论述了正颌外科手术设计的审美特征:①整体性原则:容貌是由多种美学因素构成的不可分割的整体概念。在诸多的因素中,不仅要准确预测每一因素对整体容貌的影响,而且还必须分析各个因素之间相互制约、相互协调的影响;各个因素的比重应当是均衡的,有些因素看似对容貌影响较小,但若与其它因素合乎目的的组合成一个整体,则具有特殊的增加美感的作用;正颌外科的审美应以恢复或不破坏病人的口腔功能为前提,追求单纯的外形美,是不能做为理想的审美标准的。②个体化原则:强调手术设计应针对每一病人的具体情况全面分析,突出病人个性,有的放矢地改进容貌。③医生——病人是美的共同创造者:强调在设计中应尊重病人的爱好、兴趣及特殊心理需求,同时注重强化病人在美的创造中的参与意识,由医生、病人共同商定手术设计方案。 This article discusses the aesthetic characteristics of orthognathic surgery design from three aspects: (1) The principle of holism: Appearance is an indivisible whole concept formed by many kinds of aesthetic factors. Among the many factors, not only should we accurately predict the impact of each factor on the overall appearance, but also we must analyze the impact of mutual restraint and mutual coordination among various factors; the proportion of each factor should be balanced and some factors may appear to the appearance The effect is small, but if combined with other factors for a purpose, it has a special effect of increasing the beauty. The aesthetic of orthognathic surgery should be based on the premise of restoring or not destroying the oral function of the patient, pursuing simple aesthetic appearance, Can not be the ideal aesthetic standard. The principle of individualization: emphasis on surgical design should be based on a comprehensive analysis of the specific circumstances of each patient, highlighting the patient's personality, targeted to improve the appearance. ③ Doctor-patient is the co-creator of beauty: Emphasizing that patient's hobbies, interests and special psychological needs should be respected in the design. At the same time, the doctor should pay attention to strengthening patient's awareness of participation in the creation of beauty and the doctors and patients should jointly agree on the surgical design plan.
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