我初次见到伊达时,她已有82岁的高龄了。那时我还是一名护校的学生,在一家个体开业的综合性办公室做兼职工作,当时不是注册护士的我.却一心想要当个好护士。所以对于伊达教给我的东西,那些在护理学校难以学到的东西记忆极深,24年后的今天我仍记忆犹新。 我第一次拜访伊达时,她的情况的确令我吃惊不已。她有多种健康问题,下肢还患有蜂窝织炎,住在一个限小的房子里,房子小得如同仅有一个车位的车库,地面很脏,从房顶垂
When I first met Ida, she was 82 years old. At that time I was still a nursing school student, working part-time in a self-employed general office, not a registered nurse at the time, but I wanted to be a good nurse. So Idiom taught me something very hard to learn in the nursing school, and I remember 24 years later. When I first visited Ita, her situation really surprised me. She has a variety of health problems, cellulitis is also suffering from lower extremities, living in a smaller house, the house is as small as a parking garage, the ground is dirty, hanging from the roof