海德格尔在他的著作中曾多次直接地论及“什么是哲学?”这个问题,但最系统的论述,是1955年8月在法国访问讲学期间在诺曼底的Cerisy-Sall所作的一个关于“什么是哲学这种东西?”(Was Ist Das-Die Philosopie?)的报告。这个报告大体上包括以下几个方面的内容:一,怎样找到一条研究这个问题的路子;二,在古希腊文化的背景中对“哲学”一词进行词源学的考察;三,人的文化心态同哲学的关系。下面分别加以简述。
In his writings, Heidegger spoke many times directly about the question “What is philosophy?”, But the most systematic exposition was made by Cerisy-Sall in Normandy in August 1955 during his visit to France “What is the thing about philosophy?” (Was Ist Das-Die Philosopie?) Report. This report generally includes the following aspects: First, how to find a way to study this problem; Second, in the context of ancient Greek etymology of the word “philosophy”; Third, the human culture Relationship between psychology and philosophy. The following are briefly described.