
来源 :四川水泥 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytdpg
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随着经济建设的不断推进,建筑行业得到了迅猛的发展,然而在建筑施工过程以及建筑投入使用阶段,经常出现混凝土裂缝问题。随着工程建设的要求不断提高,人们安全意识的不断增强,混凝土裂缝问题已经成为近年来人们普遍关注的重点问题,施工企业应当针对此项问题不断加强重视与改进,否则会造成工程质量安全问题,带来不良的社会影响,不利于企业的发展。基于此,本文首先介绍混凝土裂缝的危害,突出预防混凝土裂缝的必要性;接着对混凝土裂缝的形成原因加以分析,最后针对不同类型混凝土裂缝问题,提出相应的控制措施,以改善建筑中的混凝土裂缝问题。 With the continuous development of economic construction, the construction industry has witnessed rapid development. However, concrete cracks often occur in the process of building construction and the construction and put into use. With the continuous improvement of construction requirements and ever-increasing safety awareness among people, the concrete crack problem has become a key issue of widespread concern in recent years. Construction enterprises should continue to pay attention to and improve this issue, otherwise they will cause problems of project quality and safety , Bringing adverse social impact, is not conducive to the development of enterprises. Based on this, the paper first introduces the harm of concrete cracks and highlights the necessity of preventing concrete cracks. Then, the cause of concrete cracks is analyzed. Finally, according to the different types of concrete cracks, the corresponding control measures are put forward to improve the concrete cracks problem.
Background Chinese dietary reference intakes for calcium are largely based on foreign studies.We undertook metaregression to estimate calcium requirements for C