坚持五个必须 振兴国有企业

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振兴国有大中型企业,促进国民经济持续、快速、健康发展,已经成为当前改革中的当务之急。如何振兴国有大中型企业,众说纷纭。笔者结合自己在鞍钢炼铁厂的工作实践认为应主要抓好五个方面。 一、必须坚持党的领导 社会主义市场经济,是用市场经济的手段来达到社会主义的目的;社会主义市场经济,是社会主义条件下的市场经济。坚持党的领导,是中国市场经济的优势,是企业改革和发展取得成功 Revitalizing state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises and promoting sustained, rapid, and healthy development of the national economy has become a top priority in the current reform. There are many opinions on how to revitalize state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises. The author combined his own work practices at Angang Iron Works to believe that it should mainly focus on five aspects. First, we must uphold the leadership of the party The socialist market economy is to use the means of market economy to achieve the goal of socialism; the socialist market economy is a market economy under the conditions of socialism. Adhering to the leadership of the party is an advantage of the Chinese market economy, and it is a success in enterprise reform and development.
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然后他们比先前飞得更快了。人们可以在树梢上听见,因为当他们飞过的时候,树叶和枝条都沙沙作响;人们可以在湖海上听见,因为当他们越过的时候,浪头就掀高了,大船像 Then the
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