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改革开放以来,经济的大发展促进了城市化的进程,城市人口在以同经济发展成正比的速度增长着。南京市已经从70年代末151.46万人增加到1990年末516.8万人。路上车拥人挤,“乘汽车比步行慢”成为南京一大怪。拥挤的地面交通迫使南京人到地下找出路。早在10年前(1984年)市政府就绘制了南京市地下铁道的宏伟蓝图,1990年成立了南京市地下铁道工程筹建处,目前,国家计委已同意立项,修建南北一号线,待资金到位,即可全面动工。 规划中的南京市地下铁道准确地说应该是南京市快速轨道交通网,除地下铁道外尚有地上高架线路。规划线共有四条,总长度121.34km,四条线的起止点分别在郊区的外围,在市内交叉成网。这四 Since the reform and opening up, the great economic development has promoted the process of urbanization, and the urban population has grown at a rate proportional to the economic development. The city of Nanjing has increased from 1,514,600 in the late 1970s to 5,168,000 at the end of 1990. Crowded people on the road crowded, “take a car slower than walking” became a big strange Nanjing. Crowded ground traffic forced Nanjing people to find ways to the ground. As early as 10 years ago (1984), the municipal government mapped out the magnificent blueprint for Nanjing’s underground railway. In 1990, the Nanjing Metro Project Construction and Settlement Office was established. At present, the State Development Planning Commission has agreed to establish the North-South Line No. 1, , You can start a comprehensive project. The planned Nanjing Mass Transit Railway, to be precise, should be the Nanjing Rapid Rail Transit Network, with the exception of the underground railway that still has elevated overhead lines. There are four planning lines with a total length of 121.34km. The starting and ending points of the four lines are respectively in the outskirts of the suburbs and are cross-linked in the city. These four
GE公司用3亿美元收购了叶型技术国际公司(ATI)与新加坡压气机叶型修理公司的合资企业中61%股份,收购后该公司由GE绝对控股。ATI-新加坡公司原来为GE的CF6 GE acquired a 61%
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
哈萨克斯坦总理达尼阿尔·艾哈迈托夫2003年8月29日在无出海口的发展中国家部长国际会议上致闭幕辞时说:“有效利用过境运输潜力, Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Dani Al-A