A Victorian Cinderella

来源 :博览群书·教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:evemxy
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  Charlotte Bronte creates a Victorian Cinderella - Jane Eyre. The chronological plot and transition of living environment are consistent with her evolution - from an orphan to a rich princess.
  Bronte described the four important places of Jane Eyre, her childhood in Gateshead, where she was abused and humiliated by her aunt and cousins; her education at Lowood school, where she overcame the physical and mental “blight” and got her first job as a governess in the Thornfield Manor, where she fell in love with Mr. Rochester; her discovery of being a heiress of twenty thousand pounds in Moor House.
  Four different places, four different life stages, the later one is more evolutionary than the former. During her first fight to her cousin in Gateshead, Jane realized a “ceaseless inward question - why I thus sufferd”, and her reason screamed instinctively, “unjust!” Obviously she was too young to carry on her rebellion campaign, so it ended up with “a species of fit: unconsciousness closed the scene”. However the start of Jane’s evolution deserves applause as if a firm seed of her distinctive later life.
  Lowood School was a knowledge garden, where Jane acquired Helen’s precious friendship, a teacher’s affirmation and the most important thing of life–what she wanted. She rose from an orphan to a woman who could make a living by her intelligence. That was her first step of being independent and she enjoyed her achievement. Every kind of nutrition is ready and every one expects Jane’s continuous progress.
  Bronte’s writing was evidence of her being clever. So she chose not to write a book with a 100% evolutionary Cinderella but instead of creating a Victorian Cinderella who can survive the “natural” environment of that period.
  If a woman had no attractive appearance as well as money in the Victorian period, how did she make a conquest of a young handsome prince? It was probably unacceptable. Hence the author made this prince imperfect, the age gap and the state of being married, in order to persuade Victorian readers to permit an imperfect prince fall in love with Jane, a small and plain-faced Cinderella. The sales of the book were the best proof of Bronte’s successful strategy.
  Many people think that Jane’s running away from the Thornfield is the peak of he evolution process; to the contrary, I think this plot is the Bronte’s biggest concession. A poor orphan was even not permitted to live with an imperfect old prince happily, because it was “unfair’. Then all of a sudden the impossible turned into the possible in Moor House. Jane rose to a higher status - a legal heiress of a great deal of money. Bronte used the increase number of money to give Jane the hope of being equal with Ronchester and the courage to go back to Thornfield. The ending was that a rich young Cinderella married a blind crippled old prince. Is it a real happy ending? Does Jane get this ending without money?
  There were many young ladies who held the dream of being Cinderella in the Victorian era, and this book must have been precious to them. I understand a female writer’s situation in that period and give my sympathy to her, but I still don't forgive her compromises.
  作者簡介:李婕(1985-),女,湖南省长沙人,工作单位:湖南中医药大学 学历:硕士 职称:助教 研究方向:英语文学。
摘 要:驻马店市位于河南中南部,地处淮河上游的丘陵平原地区,素有“豫州之腹地,天下之最中”之称,故该地区少有大的自然灾害发生,不过,随着社会的发展,水资源短缺问题和大气污染问题越来越引起人们的关注。  关键词:生态环境问题;解决办法  一、由驻马店市降水减少推测生态环境的状况  水是一切生命赖以生存、经济发展不可缺少和不可替代的重要自然资源和环境要素。随着社会的发展,有限的水资源及水环境受到越来越
现代社会所需要的人才不仅要有渊博的学识,更要有高尚的道德情操。 “智育不好是次品,体育不好是废品,德育不好是危险品”。这是人们对教育是否成功的生动评价,同时反映出德育教育的重要性。德育是我国社会主义精神文明建设的根本任务之一,是我国全面发展教育的一个重要组成部分。作为一名农村小学语文教师,我在教学中不失时机地对学生进行德育教育。  一、课前德育的渗透  在组织教学、新课导入环节上适时激发学生的思想
摘 要:环境公益诉讼是今年民事诉讼法修改的亮点之一,在反应我国立法愈来愈完善的同时,也体现了环境公益诉讼的必要性和重要性。那么,作为诉讼类型之一,对其适格主体的范围和限定无疑是必不可少的。作为诉讼的主要参与者,环境公益诉讼的主体适格问题也将凸显出来。  关键词:环境公益诉讼;适格主体;制度  对环境公益诉讼的界定国内学者主要分为两类:第一类是指由检察机关提起的环境公诉。第二类是指由个人或者是社会公
摘 要:通过对2006-2010年无定河地表水水质监测资料的分析,发现无定河水质受到轻度污染。结合无定河水功能区水质达标率低的现状,提出改善无定河地表水环境的对策。  关键词:地表水;水质监测;无定河  无定河发端于陕西省白于山区,途经毛乌素沙漠南缘,最后注入黄河,是榆林市境内一条最大的黄河支流。作为一条贯穿榆林市县的重要河流,为当地国民经济和人们生活的发展发挥着越来越重要的作用,但随着地方经济的
摘 要:“生态化”是指尊重教育规律,尊重受教育者特点,开展科学化、人文化、生态化的管理方式。建设人文的生态文化,实施科学的生态管理,开展朴素的生态阅读,开发生动的生态课程,构建愉悦的生态课堂。  关键词:生态;微环节;常规管理  一、概念界定  “生态化”是指尊重教育的自然规律,尊重受教育者的特点,开展的科学化、人文化、生态化的管理方式。学校管理的微环节有两层含义:一是指学校管理中具体的,必不可少
摘 要:实施素质教育是教学改革的主旋律。中学数学素质教育的实施策略和途径有:更新教法,培养学生的自主参与意识;更新理念,培养学生的创新能力;创设良好的课堂氛围,培养学生学习数学的兴趣;设置的数学实践课,提高学生的知识应用能力;面向全体学生,发展学生特长。  关键词:创新能力;实践能力;学习兴趣  目前,实施素质教育是教学改革的主旋律。素质教育的第一要义就是要面向全体学生,第二要义就是德、智、体、美
摘 要:中国绘画与西方绘画各自涵盖广泛的内容,虽然中西方绘画各阶段发生的时间不能对接,各自经历的先后顺序有差别,各自阶段发生发展有交叠现象,包括历史作用、情感,还有题材形式等等的不同。在现代欧洲艺坛中,野兽派代表人物马蒂斯,西班牙超现实主义画家、抽象派绘画的先驱者米罗,兼具立体主义、超现实主义、表现主义等多种风格的俄国斯画家夏卡尔,均为极负盛名的大师。而在中国,原教育部长蔡元培先生当任北京大学校长
摘要:会计信用缺失现象,已严重的制约了我国经济的持续、健康发展,如何构建会计信用体系,重塑会计诚信,净化会计执业环境,已成为政府和学术界所共同关注的焦点。本文在会计信用体系相关理论的基础上,从分析会计信用的现状和原因入手,提出了构建会计信用体系的原则和构建信用体系的策略。  关键词:会计信用;会计信用体系;构建  一、会计信用体系的相关理论  (一)会计信用体系。会计信用体系则是一种社会机制,是社
摘 要:皮毛材质对于人类来说并不陌生,并且皮毛材质拥有其独特的属性,文章简单阐述了皮毛材质的基本特点及皮毛材质在不同的表达形态上的  运用。  关键词:皮毛;材质;表达形态  皮毛材质对于人类来说并不陌生,人类利用皮毛材质的历史非常久远。在原始社会时期,人类就利用打来的猎物皮毛缝制衣物,自此人类利用皮毛材质的历史就没有间断过。人体本身就是皮和毛的结合物。  人们对皮毛材质的定义,从狭义上讲,它是指